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sheβ€’they | silver + 1 ✧ was @enhyp3nace ✧ heehoon au writer ✍🏻 ✧

Nov 15, 2022, 38 tweets

a 2j / #jayke side-story au

<𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒, π“Žπ‘œπ“Šπ“‡π“ˆ>

It’s supposedly just Jake’s birthday but it became another celebration.

Because it also marks the start of something new. Something that is more than just friendship.

They’re from this universe.

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β€” a week ago

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Heeseung’s POV

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β€” back to the present

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Sorry I forgot to note this above.

❀️ Jake
πŸ’› Jay

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< epilogue >

cw: implied πŸ”ž content

< fin >

Belated happy birthday Jakey, my love πŸ’“

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