Joseph Allen Profile picture
Assoc Prof at Harvard; Exposure and Risk Science; Direct Harvard #HealthyBuildings Program; Coauthor of HEALTHY BUILDINGS w/ HBS Prof Macomber

Nov 15, 2022, 11 tweets

The First Four Healthy Building Strategies Every Building Should Pursue to Reduce Risk from Covid-19
The Lancet Covid-19 Commission
Task Force on Safe Work, Safe School, Safe Travel


1. Commission (give your building a tune-up)
2. Maximize outdoor air
3. Upgrade filtration
4. Supplement with portable air cleaners

1. Commission or Recommission Building Systems

2. Maximize outdoor air

3. Upgrade Air Filters to MERV13

4. Supplement with portable air cleaners, where needed

The #FirstFour represent key actions that represent the most effective, fundamental steps toward promoting healthier indoor environments and reducing the risk of airborne infectious disease transmission indoors.

Why act?

--> Airborne transmission is the dominant mode of transmission
--> Reducing inhalation exposure reduces risk
--> Ventilation and filtration are key strategies
-->There are benefits beyond COVID-19

These #FirstFour are just the starting point

Thank you to Task Force members:
@CorsIAQ @ShellyMBoulder @linseymarr Cadet Pollock @drdavidmichaels Jones @meiralevinson Li Morawska @cleantechcities @MarissaVanry @apsmunro Chen Cao Grier Jones


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