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Nov 16, 2022, 11 tweets

It is day 2 of the 2022 #IAAPAExpo here in Orlando! Follow along for another fun day of exciting announcements. - @IAAPAHQ

Miss day one of the #IAAPAExpo? Click the tweet below for yesterday’s thread.

Here we go as the crowds pour in! Today there are events by @Ripleys, @WhiteWaterWest, #DOFrobotics, and more. What are you most excited to see?

We are here at the @Ripleys booth, 662, awaiting an exciting annoucement. For now, check this out!


The Ripley’s event was changed, but if you still wanna see something odd, check out our video of Hoss the 225 Pound Human Hairball:

I’m an arcade game Morty! I’m ARCADE RICK!

@laigames unveiled a @RickandMorty arcade game that is as colorful, wild and exciting as the show.…

Watch the press event here, and learn how you can get swifty on this new arcade dropper. @laigames #IAAPAExpo

We bet you recognize this! Kiteman Productions is showcasing their massive custom kites, like this one from the now retired Disney Kitetails show at Disney’s Animal Kingdom.…

Our next event, @nWaveStudios. Time to get a preview of “Meg and The Lost Scepter.”

Did you know? The event isn’t just inside. The #IAAPAExpo continues outside, with lots and lots of inflatables.

Another incredible project by @WhiteWaterWest, the Icon Tower! 12 seperate water slides on one huge structure.…

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