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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Nov 16, 2022, 12 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 11/16 G-20 disappearing act

"Live News" is mostly a recap and entirely canned, but it does provide some intriguing updates.

The big unsung story is the disappearance of the foreign man sitting on Xi's right during Xi's earth-shaking landmark speech.

Was he physically removed like Hu Jintao?
Or perhaps just digitally remastered?

The CCTV recap strives to locate attentive listeners to Xi, but Singapore PM Lee Hsien long still seems to be peeking at his phone, and he's not the only one stealing glances at his device.

The CCTV camera crew probably merged random shots here because from the look of it, it's hard to believe anyone was talking, or maybe it was just really boring.

Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan arrive at cultural dinner.
Who rides in the white van behind the presidential limo?

The well-appointed venue is out of doors.

But the real story is how Xi's landmark speech at the G20 has got the whole world talking.

The accolades are rolling in so fast, CCTV can hardly keep up with them, but at least they're easy to translate because they echo the party line closely, if not word-for-word:

"the world is ardently hoping that China will contribute even more to global development"

-G-20 must follow China's lead...
-China has made a huge contribution to the world
-Modernization does not mean Westernization
-If only the West could properly understand China...

But it's a Russian who gets the most air time:

"Chairman Xi in his speech once again emphasized the importance of global security"
"In the area of food and energy, challenges must be faced."
"Negotiation is key"
"And it's so important to uphold security, stability and justice"

"Whenever I hear Chinese voices I am moved with hope and the sense that I'm hearing the future..."
-Indonesian TV journalist

"I reckon that all of the points made in the speech by China's national chairman Xi Jinping are of the utmost importance."
-Argentine political publicist

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