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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Nov 17, 2022, 13 tweets


Being abroad challenges CCTV's ability to "create" and control the news.
Producers double down on CCTV's "improved" and possibly re-staged image of Xi's big speech.
The improved version (left) lacks the pesky foreigner in background (bottom right)

The setting for the summit is a vast hotel on a Bali beach

Xi Jinping meets with Indonesia's Joko Widodo to attend the virtual launch of new joint venture high-speed train.

They sit in a room and look at a big screen showing pictures of a celebration at a train station, cabin shots of train crew, the locomotive, maps, etc.

Xi says "kai-shi" and the train is remotely launched.

He applauds his command and everyone else does too.

In his summit with the Indonesian leader, Xi dispenses instructions, wisdom and advice. Widodo listens.

Widodo gets in a few words at the end, and expresses thanks to Xi.

Xi meets Italy's new leader, Giorgia Meloni
She deftly yields to the alpha male, lets him think he's top dog, let's him do the talking.
Meloni scribbles notes like a schoolgirl listening to teacher.
But her ironic smile throughout suggests she doesn't take it all that seriously

Xi doesn't do irony, so he seems pleased.
She thanks him with another smirk.
Meloni: I’m very happy to have the opportunity to meet Chairman Xi.
Our countries are both ancient civilizations
China’s a big country in Asia of growing importance, I hope we can work closely together

Xi also tries schmoozing UN chief António Guterres
The veteran diplomat plays along, but looks tired.
He upholds the one-China principle.

Meanwhile, China's first lady Peng Liyuan is viewing the local culture.

The dancers say "ni hao" and she compliments them on their Chinese.
"You should study Chinese and Chinese culture and serve as a bridge between our two nations."

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