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Inactive | Missing Vegas 25/8 | #BibleJeff 🤘 | #Bsumbody | #Saturdayss 🪐

Nov 17, 2022, 21 tweets


Bible’s Private

Jeff’s Public

Jeff’s Private

Bible’s Trusted Ones
- TA
- Job

TA’s Public

TA’s Private
( Bibles brother)

Job is Bibles freind from childhood
Mile is the dad freind who is also a childhood freind

Jeff’s Friends
- Code
- Apo
- Tong
- US

Brothers ✨
Apo is an childhood freind of Jeff

Oldest Childhood friends too

- Doesn’t Depict real people, all for fun
- A huge fank you to my babe @cinnamonskull_ for being an amazing supporter as usual and helping me with such a big challenge
- Please ignore time stamps
- QRT Thoughts, they are much appreciated

1. The Article Pt 1

2. The Article Pt 2

3. The Response

4. What’s New Scooby Doo

5. Deal With The Devil

6. Some thoughts

I cannot thank my babe @cinnamonskull_ enough for her help she’s amazing check out her work also 🔫

To Be Continued…….

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