Shirley Knott Profile picture
Mostly harmless. Chief Hen at @PeacockmediaSof. I Code, knit, walk, play brass. current obsessions involve electronics and music. see @midi_in_out

Nov 17, 2022, 5 tweets

Today I will be mostly building an Amiga MIDI interface (take that, ST fans!) with huge thanks 🙏🏽 to Professor @davbucci for the circuit.


... and we have midi input!

Sooo MIDI out is working fine. Now controlling SIDs using MIDISID. I have some reading to do but apparently I can send program change messages, and thus use a lot of different sounds. #amiga #midi

Yay I can make lots of sounds. Learning how to make Octamed do what I wanted was harder than building the MIDI adapter and getting the Amiga talking to MIDISID.

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