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Nov 17, 2022, 27 tweets

Follow along for sweet and tasty goodness! We are sat and ready for the Gideon's Bakehouse Game Changer Event, here at @IAAPAHQ/#IAAPAExpo.

It begins 🍪

Steve Lewis, Owner & Sublime Prince of the Esoteric Order of Cookie
Gideons Bake House, (yes that is the true title), wanted to “train sharks” when he was a kid.

“I wanted to open up a comic book shop…I wanted to be a musician…yes I still have those pants.” - Steve Lewis.

“The cookies are my song, it is expressive of who I am.” #IAAPAExpo

Artwork made by Steve in attempts to make comic book stores more open to everyone. The Sandman, which can now been seen on @netflix, is “now easier for everyone to enjoy,” said Steve.

“I cook when I am sad, some say the secret ingredient to Gideon’s Cookies are my tears, and they aren’t exactly wrong.” - Steve.

Steve started überbot, a fusion of comic book store that brought underground artists, comic book artists and local artists together. Special events here offered food…you guessed it, cookies.

überbot went out of business in 2008 when the economy closed down. Steve lost his business and even his house in the recession. During those sad times, he went to baking.

“I have never read a cook book, never went to a cooking class.” - Steve.

Steve hates the cookies and cream cookie, it tastes like a cookies and cream milkshake, which is what it was supposed to take like, but he felt the taste would fade away in your memory.

But, his least favorite is the Frankenstein cookie. A co-worker at Apple keep asking for an M&M cookie, and now it’s the second most popular seasonal cookie.

Left, the original rough draft logo for Gideon’s Bakehouse, and right, the first ever final draft logo.

“I spent 7 years perfecting the Peanut Butter cold brew. I work with a peanut farm in Georgia,” said Steve.

Gideon’s first retail location was a one month pop-up. Steve sold 3 weeks worth of cookies by 1pm on the very first day.

Steve spent $29,700 of his $30,000 profits in his first month on bakery theming. He wanted it done the way he felt it should look.

“I would take the cash made from that day, go to Costco, get bake supplies, and make cookies for the next day.”

“I don’t know how to run a bakery, I’m a music major,” said Steve in regards to finally being happy and at peace with making some money at Gideon’s Bakehouse.

Steve fell in love and wanted to expand and make more money.

Steve looked towards Disney. Disney had that experience and heartfelt feeling that he felt aligned with Gideon’s Cookies.

He started selling secret cookies as menu items at Polite Pig at Disney Springs.

He began conversations with Disney Springs. Gideon’s permanent bakery was only 1.5 years old at this point. But, Steve sat down with Disney only one month after selling cookies at Polite Pig.

A 15 minute meeting became an hour of conversation about guest experience.

The holy trinity of Gideon’s Bakehouse

“We have to be the best Disney on Disney property.”

1 - the desserts, something you couldn’t get somewhere else.

2 - sense of escapism

3 - connecting with people, make everyone feel like they have come home, they are glad you are there

Every decoration inside of the Gideon’s Bakehouse at @DisneySprings was setup and ready to go within 3 days. Steve wanted the location opened before Christmas and rushed to make sure it happened.

Steve signing the Disney lease and making a scary face on purpose for his Disney ID.

The actual layout model Steve and team brought to Disney for how to build Gideon’s.

The opening day line at @DisneySprings for Gideon’s Bakehouse.

“Another Gideon’s might never ever happen…but sister stores could happen, with these special characters we know,” said Steve.

Never been to Gideon’s Bakehouse before? We HIGHLY suggest it. Take a look:

And check out our taste tests:

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