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#ResignSeanChu https://t.co/lE7MiFE5xF

Nov 18, 2022, 11 tweets

Craig you mentioned Florida in your nasty and defamatory social media post about me. How about we tell the public about what happened down in Florida…

I receive several urgent phone calls from insiders including from a UCP MLA. They are all concerned about Craig. Sober voice of reason was requested to visit Craig and discuss issues and concerns. Off I go on a several hour drive. (Being the sober one is a curse and a blessing.)

Ffwd to a substantial party at a Chandler home. Craig is black out drunk. A minor child is unaccounted for at the home. Panicked phone calls ensue from Calgary. I find & pull said child from the unsupervised pool, they are not in a good state. Police visit the home.

Scene clears. Child is in a state unable to fly home. Craig abandons said minor and flies back to Canada with their passport. Days of urgent phone calls and favours pulled. A passport eventually arrives. Said minor makes it safely home. Of course no good deeds go unpunished…

Sadly many people are aware of this unfortunate incident(s). The home was packed. People talk. Craig blames me after someone jabs him online about it. Craig fails to get actual facts and posts the following on every social media platform he has an account on. *I’m not UCP or NDP*

More receipts…

More confessions, threats and ranting from Craig… including the Freudian slip about his family backing me. 🙃

After some substantial legal paperwork crossed Craig’s desk, an lame apology from Craig was issued. He however still kept the original defamatory post up on one social media platform. Craig clearly hasn’t learned as he is substantially defaming me yet again in as many months.

Most know that I am fiercely loyal & honourable. If you leave me alone, I leave you alone. When people go after me I tend to be extraordinarily patient. After more than a year of being terrorized and my child repeatedly being dragged into it, my patience has officially ended.

Sleep tight those that have something to hide. Tomorrow is a sunny day. ☀️

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