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Nov 19, 2022, 15 tweets

1/14 More #QandA about NeurOptimal®

Q: What is the value that brain interruptions have been picked up by the system? Are they compared with a normal brain wave activities and glitches would be send off when alignment is not there?

2/14 A: First, there are no "normal brain wave patterns" as Val likes to say, "Brains don't wave" as well as there is no normal brain.

3/14 EEG is a phasor - 4-D and NOT a 2-D sine wave and extremely chaotic Also, NeurOptimal®’s Time-Frequency Envelopes (shown as Target Boxes within the Matrix Mirror) are actually hypercubes.

As far as value of information.

4/14 The brain/CNS processes information from the internal and external environment constantly, all in the effort to detect difference and minimize discomfort (don't think comfort so much as its job is survival, not necessarily "thrival").

5/14 So, all information has potential value to the brain/CNS but it does ignore (or discard) information that it determines is of no value to it.

6/14 The value in the information that NeurOptimal® offers to the brain about its own electrical activity and as measured by the zAmp at 256 times per second, comes in a way that it has never had access to before.

7/14 I think the very best explanation of this process and that I believe answers your question is this:

8/14 “Interruptions in the audiovisual streams are generated by the software detecting acute changes of emergent variability in the electrical activity of the brain: i.e., flutter, similar to the flutter of a hummingbird as it changes position.

9/14 Flutter precedes a change in the phase state in all non-linear dynamic systems and the brain is a non-linear, dynamical system that is self-organizing based on information value.

10/14 Flutter in the energy flow of such a system indicates a change in the value of information of that system, both with respect to its external environment, but also with respect to its internal environment.

11/14 The interruptions produced by NeurOptimal® can provide a trigger for the “Orienting Response" in the brain. This is due to the variation of the value of the information that has been received by the brain to that time.

12/14 The “Orienting Response” prompts the brain to “Return To Present” and perceive what is really happening both inside and outside so that it can make a decision on what to do next: that is, how to self-organize and continue to change state or to release the potential…

13/14 …phase-state change that was announced by the interrupt, thereby, returning to the state just preceding the flutter.

14/14 If this response to the potential phase-state change leads to a decrease in overall discomfort to the brain, it will continue to use that comprehensive behavioral repertoire.

I hope you find this helpful.” ~ Val

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