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Squad 11 trash; idk what I'm doing on bleachtwt, just vibing; she/they

Nov 20, 2022, 10 tweets

Translation thread of the Bleach site interview with Hiramatsu Masaki, who's in charge of the series composition and script (alongside the director Taguchi)! #BLEACH_anime

"Explain how you felt when it was decided you’d be part of the Bleach adaptation after 10 years."
- was requested by Taguchi
- it's his first time in this role for anime in 10 years
- had fun with the scripts
*note: Taguchi wrote ep 1-4, Hiramatsu has done the script since ep 5

"Do you have time to meet with Kubo Tite-sensei on top of working on the series composition?"
- regularly contacts him through his editor from Shueisha, will meet in person if it's hard to discuss through writing
- feels nervous everytime hahaha

"Tell us about any lasting impressions you have from communicating with Kubo Tite-sensei."
- Kubo's the one who wanted Aizen's talk with Yhwach to be adapted + helped write the script
- helps the anime staff make judgements on what to include/add/remove, treats everyone as a team

"What do you think is the appeal and good points of the TYBW arc?"
- enjoys the plot line of Ichigo discovering his origins and how he’s willing to befriend and protect everyone regardless of who they are
- thinks the appeal is the language used by Kubo which is unique to him

"Tell us your favourite scenes from the TYBW arc."
- (minor spoilers for anime-onlys)
- likes the Kenpachi vs Gremmy and Kurotsuchi vs Pernida fights
- likes Isshin and Ryuuken's backstory
- praised the voice-acting for Katagiri Kanae's scene (EBTR this cour confirmed????)

(more to come, I am eating dinner and need to finish the rest of the interview 🙇‍♂️ might have to skip the personal questions again due to time constraints)

"Tell us about any difficult parts/ things you were concerned about as you were working on the TYBW script."
(1/2) (he said a looot, sorry if it makes no sense 😭)
- concerned about "translating" the manga to anime
- cautious to not mix in the Bleach script with his own quirks

- has to face two sides of Kubo -- his past self (used to working on Bleach by himself) and his current self (now teaming up with others)
- respects Kubo for managing to serialise and finish Bleach on his own under harsh conditions

(skipped the personal questions due to busy schedule)

"Finally, leave a message for the upcoming broadcasts and the fans."

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