Jer Thorp Profile picture
Artist, writer, educator, birder & nudibranch enthusiast. Adjunct professor at ITP. He/Him. Author of Living in Data (MCDxFSG).

Nov 20, 2022, 7 tweets

If you notice a strange quiet from the🐦 in your neighbourhood today, it's because they are all watching the #WorldCupOfBirds finals!

This might seem strange to you, but it is a very popular tournament across the rest of the animal kingdom.

If you want to know how we got here to the finals today, here are three threads for you:

They are packed with information about all 32 competing World Cup nations' national birds!

Right now, though, the vuvuzelas are droning, and the stadium is veritably hopping with excitement. So let's kick this thing off.

(You have 6 hours to place your vote!)


With 15 minutes left to play, the Common Kestrel is ahead by 2 votes.

2 votes!


5 minutes. The Kestrel holds onto the lead by the slimmest of margins.

This has been a long tournament for both birds. Does the Magpie have anything left in the tank?


The Common Kestrel from Belgium is your 2022 #WorldCupOfBirds champion!

Congratulations to this tiny, ruthlessly efficient killing machine!

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