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Civil society organization dedicated to defending the human rights of Palestinian children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Nov 20, 2022, 34 tweets

Thread: So far this year, @DCIPalestine has documented the killings of 49 Palestinian children. From Jenin to Jerusalem to Gaza City, it has been a deadly year for Palestinian children. Here are their names, faces, and stories. #WorldChildrensDay

The first Palestinian child killed by Israeli forces in 2022 was Mohammad Akram Ali Taher Abu Salah, 16. Israeli forces shot him in the eye on February 13 in the village of Silat al-Harithiya near Jenin.…

Israeli forces shot and killed 13-year-old Mohammad Rezq Shehadeh Salah on Feburary 22 in Al-Khader, near Bethlehem. After shooting him in the chest, Israeli forces removed his clothes and prevented an ambulance from reaching him.…

Israeli forces shot and killed Yamen Nafez Mahmoud Khanafseh, 15, in Abu Dis, on March 6 near Jerusalem in the occupied West Bank. After shooting Yamen, Israeli forces fired tear gas canisters toward an ambulance and prevented it from reaching him.…

Israeli forces fatally shot 16-year-old Nader Haitham Fathi Rayyan at least twice in the back with live ammunition on March 15 near Balata refugee camp in the northern occupied West Bank.…

Sanad Mohammad Khalil Abu Atiya, 16, was approaching a Palestinian man who had been shot by Israeli forces to offer aid outside Jenin refugee camp on March 31. Israeli forces then shot Sanad in the chest, killing him.…

Israeli forces shot 16-year-old Mohammad Hussein Mohammad Qassim in the abdomen with live ammunition on April 10 in the northern occupied West Bank city of Jenin, and he succumbed to his injuries the following morning.…

Qusai Fuad Mohammad Hamamra, 16, was shot and killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank town of Husan, near Bethlehem, on April 13. Israeli forces then withheld his body from his family.…

Israeli forces shot indiscriminately at Palestinian protesters in Kafr Dan, including Shawkat Kamal Shawkat Abed, 17, who was struck in the abdomen with an expanding bullet that ruptured his blood vessels. He was shot on April 14 and died the next day.…

On May 8, 17-year-old Motasem Mohammad Taleb Atallah was shot and killed inside the Jewish-only Tekoa settlement located near the central occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem. Motasem was killed by a single bullet to the left eye.…

Israeli forces shot and killed 16-year-old Thaer Khalil Mohammad Maslat as he was walking home from school in the occupied West Bank city of Al-Bireh on May 11. Months later, his friends and family are learning what life is like without him. #WorldChildrensDay

Israeli forces shot and killed Amjad Walid Hussein Fayed, 16, on May 21 in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin. He sustained multiple gunshot wounds and was pronounced dead shortly after.…

Ghaith Mohammad Rafiq Ziad Yamin, 16, was shot dead by Israeli forces on May 25 near Qabr Yousuf (Joseph’s Tomb) east of the occupied West Bank city of Nablus…

Israeli forces shot 14-year-old Zaid Mohammad Said Ghunaim in the shoulder on May 27 in the village of Al-Khader near Bethlehem, rupturing his lung and killing him.…

Odeh Mohammad Odeh Sadaqa, 16, was walking with friends near his home outside of Ramallah on June 2 when Israeli forces deployed in the area opened fire on them. A single bullet struck Odeh in the back, striking his heart and exiting through his chest.…

Israeli forces shot and killed Mohammad Abdallah Salah Suleiman, 16, on June 24 outside of Silwad. Mohammad was left for about 45 minutes after he was shot before being transferred to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, where he was pronounced dead.…

Kamel Abdullah Kamel Alawneh, 17, was shot and killed by Israeli forces with live ammunition in the elbow and abdomen outside of Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank on July 2.…

15-year-old Amjad Nashat Faheem Naser (Abu Alia) was fatally shot in the back with live ammunition on July 29 in Al-Mughayyir. Both an Israeli settler and a soldier fired live ammo at Amjad, and it’s unclear which bullet struck and killed him.…

An Israeli sniper shot and killed 16-year-old Dirar Riyad Lufti Al-Haj Saleh on August 1 in Jenin refugee camp. The bullet, which entered through Dirar’s back, expanded inside his body, resulting in severe internal bleeding.…

The Israeli military launched an offensive on the Gaza Strip on August 5. That afternoon, 5-year-old Alaa Abdullah Riyad Qaddoum was killed by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City. #WorldChildrensDay…

On August 6, five more Palestinian children in Gaza were killed during the Israeli military offensive: Mohammad Iyad Hassouna, 13; Momen, 5, and Ahmad Mohammad Ahmad Al-Nayrab, 11; Hazem Mohammad Ali Salem, 9; and Ahmad Waleed Ahmad Al-Farram, 16.…

The Israeli military offensive on Gaza, which ended on August 7, ultimately resulted in the killings of 17 Palestinian children between the ages of 3 and 16 years old. #WorldChildrensDay…

After agreeing to a so-called ceasefire, Israeli forces shot and killed Hussein Jamal Hussein Taha in Nablus and Momen Yasin Mohammad Joude Jaber in Hebron on August 9. Both were 16 years old.…

Israeli forces shot and killed 16-year-old Haitham Hani Mohammad Mubarak in the early morning of September 8 near Beitin, northeast of Ramallah, and confiscated his body.…

Odai Trad Hisham Salah, 17, was shot at least twice by an Israeli sniper, in the head and chest, on September 15 near Jenin. He was pronounced dead at Jenin government hospital.…

Israeli forces killed Fayez Khaled Mahmoud Damdoum, 17, on October 1 in Al-Eizariya. Fayez attempted to slow his motorcycle as the Israeli military vehicles in front of him slowed, but the motorcycle slipped and he fell. Israeli forces shot & killed him.…

Israeli forces shot and killed two Palestinian boys on October 7:
14-year-old Adel Ibrahim Adel Daud near Qalqilya and 17-year-old Mahdi Mohammad Abdulmuti Ladadwa near Al-Harasha, north of Ramallah.…

Israeli forces shot and killed Mahmoud Moayad Mahmoud Sous, 17, with two bullets to the back of his thigh and neck, in Jenin on October 8.…

12-year-old Mahmoud Mohammad Khalil Samoudi died on October 10 after Israeli forces shot him with live ammunition, tearing through his colon, kidneys, and bladder, on September 28 in Jenin. #WorldChildrensDay…

Israeli forces shot and killed 17-year-old Osama Mahmoud Hasan Adawi on October 12 at the entrance to Al-Arroub refugee camp near Hebron. Osama sustained a gunshot wound to his abdomen.…

16-year-old Mohammad Fadi Hani Nouri succumbed to his wounds on October 28 after Israeli forces shot him in the abdomen on September 28 near the Ramallah-area Beit El Israeli checkpoint.…

Mohammad Samer Mohammad Khalouf, 14, was killed by Israeli forces on November 3 in Jenin after they carried out an incursion into Jenin refugee camp.…

Israeli forces killed 15-year-old Mahdi Mohammad Hamdallah Hashash on November 9. As Israeli forces opened fire on Mahdi, live bullets also struck a homemade explosive object near him and other Palestinian youth, causing the object to detonate.…

Israeli forces shot and killed 14-year-old Fulla Rasmi Abdulaziz Mallouh in Beitunia, near Ramallah, on November 14. She is the first Palestinian girl killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank since January 2019. #WorldChildrensDay…

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