Deb Aoki Profile picture
Manga addict, journalist & traveler. Co-host for Mangasplaining podcast. Writes about manga for Comics Beat & Publishers Weekly. Tweets are 75% comix stuff.

Nov 20, 2022, 7 tweets

Cracked open this manga I found at the Tezuka Museum about the “untold story about how Tezuka created Blackjack, and it’s incredible. Full of stories from his former assistants and peers, about how he was sometimes kind and other times demanding and difficult to work with.

There’s this scene where Go Nagai (Devilman) recalls going to San Diego Comic-Con with Tezuka, going to see The Shining, then later seeing him back at the room, pounding out manga pages.

Then later, Go Nagai remembers being on a long flight with Tezuka, the cabin is dark, everyone is sleeping, and Tezuka is still inking in #manga pages madly

One amazing aspect of this Tezuka biography is how it weaves together accounts from his peers, former assistants, editors & animators who worked at Tezuka Pro - making it a much less “pretty” look at the “god of manga” compared to the “osamu tezuka story” #manga

Here’s a scene that shows how Tezuka would look like in “draw #manga to meet deadline” mode & how he’d switch to “kindly manga god in a beret” mode when visitors came to the studio.

From the Tezuka Pro-blessed Osamu Tezuka Story manga, we got a sense of how Tezuka’s global travel impacted his assistants, but this anecdote from a former assistant is WILD. He directed them to fill in backgrounds by remembering scenes from his previously published #manga

If I've made you curious about this Tezuka #manga biography about the turbulent years before/after the launch of Black Jack, the title in Japanese is: ブラック・ジャック創作秘話〜手塚治虫の仕事場から〜. It's a 5-vol series available on @BOOK_WALKER…

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