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金培力 China jottings at

Nov 21, 2022, 13 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 11/21 Late evening news
Xi doesn't dominate the news today, he's probably sleeping or self-isolating after shaking so many hands at G-20 and APEC, but a day without Xi news at CCTV is like a day without sunshine, so his name dominates the news open anyway.

The big story is the uptick in Covid cases and the crackdown on those who don't follow orders.

Sun Chunlan, CCP's Covid Czarina, is on the scene, hectoring locals to get with the program and do a better job.

Basically Xi's policy of Zero-Covid can't be dropped lest he lose face, so China's go-it-alone policy of draconian mass lock downs is still in play and the policy is bestowed a scientific veneer.

The loveliest segment in the news today is about a new school in a minority village in Sichuan, seen here with some impressive aerial establishing shots.

But one has to wonder why minorities are always asked to dance for the CCP overlords. They don't insist on that in Han population areas.

One kid takes the "huang pifu" idea literally and colors the character in yellow, but other kids have other ideas.

And then there's the World Cup in Qatar. It's all upbeat reporting, everyone's happy, no complaints.
No horror stories of abused workers
No stories about banning rainbow themed armbands
Not a peep of dissent
Qatar and China are exploring expanded business links.

Qatar is hot. The stadium is very modern. The stadium has air-conditioning.

And tonight's news was brought to you by the usual suspects in the distillery business..

What a fragrance.

Hard drinks for hard times.

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