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I have views on all kinds of news! Blessed to be followed by @narendraModi ji🙏🙏; Co-convenor BJP Mumbai - IT and SM Cell; Views strictly personal

Nov 22, 2022, 7 tweets

After walking with Rahul Gandhi, anti-develop toolkit activated🤨🤨

#MedhaPatkar, who opposed Sardar Sarovar Dam, opposes #VadhawanPort

What makes this port so special?

Listen to @Dev_Fadnavis ji who says it’s one of the deepest in the world that can handle HUUGE ships

Vadhawan deep sea port can TRANSFORM not just economy of Maharashtra, but also India as its important cog in our Sagarmala initiative to develop our port infrastructure

Wadhawan port has a 20mt natural draught can handle the largest container vessels like the 21,413TEU

Btw, look at these profiles of some of the activists & understand which bodies are active in these coastal areas of Maharashtra & connect the dots @NiteshNRane ji @meNeeleshNRane ji 👇🏻👇🏻

Read the full story on how important the developers of #VadhawanPort is & how the anti-development lobby is trying to hurt India👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻…

We know how Sardar Sarovar Project has transformed the lives of people in Gujarat, becoming a lifeline for them

The project was delayed by decades because of such “activists” who seem more politically inclined than to save nature or tribals as they claim

#VadhwanPort & #NanarRefinery can TRANSFORM economy of Maharashtra MANY MORE times than what Mundra Port & Jamnagar refinery did to Gujarat

When @Dev_Fadnavis ji says that all safeguards have been taken to protect nature & locals & give them jobs, who’s being Maharashtra-drohi?

Nanar refinery could create 5 lakh jobs for Marathi Manoos but those who opposed it are crying on #FoxconnVedanta & airbus projects & activating toolkits

Here, my earlier thread on @Dev_Fadnavis ji’s speech for small scale industrialists 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

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