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"Dangerous individual". Half of @ActiveMeasures8. Tipoffs/leaks/hatemail: Baksheesh:

Nov 22, 2022, 6 tweets

In dismissing CIA evidence of Lee Harvey Oswald visiting Mexico City in 1963, FBI Director J Edgar Hoover said, "it appears there is a second person who was at the Soviet Embassy down there." One of many examples of Oswald being impersonated pre-assassination 🧵 #CIAKilledJFK

Particularly compelling eg: testimony of Marita Lorenz, long-time CIA asset to House Select Committee on Assassinations. She met *a* Lee Harvey Oswald at a Miami safehouse and several CIA training camps in Florida 1960/61. When Oswald himself was playing defector in the USSR...

Lorenz was threatened with perjury as her timeline conflicted with Oswald's presence in the USSR, and repeatedly invited to reconsider her testimony. She refused. HSCA asked "how we come up with two Lee Harvey Oswalds?". They didn't consider the same question themselves.

Casting Lorenz's under-oath testimony aside, in June 1960 after Oswald (or, one of them) skidaddled to Moscow, Hoover wrote to the State Department warning them of "a possibility that an imposter is using Oswald's birth certificate."

Fast forward to January 1961, and a "Lee Oswald" buys trucks in New Orleans. Sales order names him, and organization "Friends of Democratic Cuba". Which was founded by ex-FBI fascist Guy Banister, who was a key subject of interest in Jim Garrison's probe of the JFK assassination.

Two months later, a State Department official wrote to another informing them “there is an imposter using Oswald’s identification data” and recommending LHO's passport be given to him personally to prevent this happening again...#CIAkilledJFK

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