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Nov 22, 2022, 18 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 11/22 Night News
Another day with no Xi-shine, but the man's name glows everywhere in big characters whenever he utters a word.

-"Democratic" parties pledge to follow lead of CCP
-Qatar is far out
-Indonesia earthquake
-Let it snow
-Ukraine update?

Democratic party members meet, view museum of CCP exploits, promise to implement the important line of the 20th congress, pledge fealty to CCP

Sun Chunlan in Moscow for talks?
No, it's Zoom time.
She "meets" with Tatiana Golikova to discuss Sino-Russian joint interest in the humanities.

Even virtual meetings have the obligatory red folders (remember Hu Jintao?) and the obligatory self-applause for symbolic posing.

Remote sensing is the new Belt-and-Road in the sky. China's satellites are watching the earth very carefully. Taiwan can be seen in image on bottom left.
They've got the Belt-and-Road covered from above.

Time to relax...

Breaking news from the World Cup in Qatar:

Luggage pickup at the airport is operating normally.

It is truly the case of "a small country hosting a big event."

They've got hotels, tents, shipping containers and even a ship docked in port to provide suitable housing for fans.

This is Qatar's disposable stadium.
"It can be replaced with something green."

Earthquake strikes Indonesia...

Snow strikes New York State. Buffalo digs out.
Also photos of Sweden and Germany in the snow.
What could possibly account for this uncharacteristically mellow conclusion to the day's news?

Just a theory, but CCTV might be getting free samples of the hard stuff.

It's got their seal of approval.

There was no Ukraine coverage in the late evening news, so I double-checked the flagship program, Xinwen Lianbo. They had an almost identical news format, but there was a Moscow-friendly update from Ukraine

Russia bombs select targets...

Ukraine fights back.

CCTV loves to show the Ukrainian soldier holding his ears like a kid setting off a firecracker. I've seen this footage a few times.

The Ukraine segment had a canned feel, but the news from the Turkey-Syria border is fresh. Unlike CCTV's whitewashed coverage of Russian bombing, here at least they show some of the damage caused by the bombs.

No bad news from the US today.
Just a weather report on the snow in New York State.

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