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I have views on all kinds of news! Blessed to be followed by @narendraModi ji🙏🙏; Co-convenor BJP Mumbai - IT and SM Cell; Views strictly personal

Nov 23, 2022, 7 tweets


#ShraddhaWalkar mentioned in her 2020 police complaint that #AftabAminPoonawalla threatened to k!ll her, ch0p her; his family KNEW all this & visited them

But police IGNORED after she said she doesn’t want to pursue


Busy in VA$00LI🎯given by MahaVas00li Aghadi?

In such a serious case, should police just ignore if girl withdraws complain ( out of fear) or counsel & motivate her to file a case?

This happens a lot in domestic abuse cases where police say it’s “internal matter”

Or is it to take ZERO action on favourite V0T£BANK of M♈️A?

Even prelim investigation would have revealed that couple was NOT married,woman was in a LIVE-in relationship; was AFRAID of the man who had ISOLATED & CONTROLLED her & was repeatedly V!OLENT

What if she’s physically held hostage & blackmailed?

How can police just LET go?😢😢

There’s no point in stronger laws when system is so LAX in registering cases of domestic v!olence

Some c0ps even say-
even we beat up our wives

More than HALF of Indian women believe they deserve to get be@ten up

Family & society should STOP normalising domestic AB⛎SE

In the end, I would say that if Shraddha’s friends at that time & the justice system had motivated her to file case & separate from him, Shraddha would have been alive

But were they worried about being labeled izl@moph0bix?

Or pol!ce didn’t want to act on M♈️A’s fav V0T£BANK?

Do read this thread on whether i feel what #AftabAminPoonawalla did was “spur of the moment” or “well-planned conspiracy”?

Was he acting alone or had support?


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