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Nov 23, 2022, 7 tweets

3 ways in which Argentina could have solved KSA's tactical problem:

1. Overlapping runs
2. Inverted fullbacks
3. CBs driving into midfield


Where's the midfield?

Playing in a 4-2-4 with a flat back-4, and wingers requiring to hold the width against KSA's high line, Argentina were outnumbered in the centre with only Paredes and De Paul.

If one of the forwards came short to receive, he was man-marked aggressively.

De Paul wasn't exactly the mid to crack the KSA block by receiving in pockets and opening up passing lanes between the lines. Only Paredes could be trusted with playmaking in front of the defence, and in the 2-half after KSA's lead and Paredes' substitution, ARG ran out of ideas.

1. When Di Maria received the ball and the KSA block closed him out wide, an overlap from the RB would help counter the overload and enable ARG to attack with positional superiority. This would also open spaces in the inside channel for Messi or Paredes by disrupting the backline

2. A wide fullback in a flat back-four played no role in creating once build-up progressed out of ARG's half. If the objective was to get the ball to Di Maria out wide, an inverted fullback would have helped achieve numerical superiority in front of the defence and counterpress.

3. In many situations, KSA held a high line and effectively closed down all passing lanes with the CB on the ball. In this situation, had the CB aggressively pushed forward instead of looking for the diagonal pass, it would have forced someone to press and freed up other players.

Take nothing away from KSA's defensive strategy which was executed to perfection. However tactically, they posed an interesting problem which ARG failed to solve during the game. What do you think ARG could have done differently?

#ARGKSA #ArgentinaVsSaudiArabia #FIFAWorldCup

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