Jubril A. Gawat Profile picture
Senior Special Assistant on New Media to Governor @jidesanwoolu | Active Citizen (Online & Offline).. | LAGOS Blood| Oko Aisha ❤️|

Nov 23, 2022, 6 tweets


 … Governor Supports Initiative For Rehabilitation, Reintegration Of Vagrants


@jidesanwoolu @Ekoinspireme twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

It was an emotional moment for Governor @jidesanwoolu, on Tuesday, when he listened to firsthand stories of young boys and girls retrieved from the streets in different parts of Lagos.

Some of them were victims of family disintegration, some left home after suffering abuse, while some took to surviving on the streets when they became orphans. They had their hopes dashed and dreams shattered; they constituted urban nuisances/menaces before they were rescued

The victims’ stories are now turning positive through “Eko Inspire Me” - a project single-handedly sponsored by Governor @jidesanwoolu. About 1000 street children have been redeemed, initiative envisioned by a female talking drum artiste, Aralola Olumuyiwa, popularly known as ARA twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Governor @jidesanwoolu hosted 120 of the rescued vagrants at the State House in Alausa, where the Governor reassured them of his commitment to their full rehabilitation and reintegration back to the society.

He said the project had offered the victims an opportunity to rebuild their lives and become useful to themselves. @jidesanwoolu said the Government had not only focused on addressing issues leading to social exclusion, but had also focused on rehabilitating the victims.

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