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Nov 23, 2022, 6 tweets

#LeftRightCentre | Meghna Pant (@MeghnaPant), Author and Domestic Violence Survivor, on the #ShraddhaWalkar case

#LeftRightCentre | Kavita Krishnan, women's rights activist, on the #ShraddhaWalkarCase

#LeftRightCentre | Dr Meeran Chadha Borwankar, former IPS officer, on domestic violence cases in India

#LeftRightCentre | Flora Saini, Actor, on domestic abuse faced by women

#LeftRightCentre | Neelu Sharma, victim, on facing domestic abuse in the household

#LeftRightCentre | Rajat Shukla, Shraddha Walkar's friend, on Aaftab Poonawala

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