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Advocacy and support organization for women & LGBTQI journos. Women Press Freedom reports on press freedom violations in 128 countries. Press Queries: website

Nov 25, 2022, 5 tweets

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Do you know what challenges women journalists face every day? How much violence they are exposed to? CFWIJ compiled for you. bit.ly/3U24eGf👇#ReadForHer🧵

Since January 2022, #CFWIJ has documented 12 murders of women journalists globally. This is the highest number of women journalists killed in a single year. Women in media face death as they work to unearth the truth. #SpeakForHer🧵

❓What types of violence were #womenjournos most exposed to this year? ➡️ 79 were subjected to legal harassment through lawsuits filed against them. 77 were physically assaulted in the field. 49 were threatened & insulted by major organized troll campaigns. #AskForHer🧵

Do we know the difference between criticism and harassment? No female journalist deserves to be threatened, harassed or insulted for her reporting. Criticize. But show respect. Don't abuse. Don't harass. Don't insult. RESPECT. #RespectHer🧵

Canada is the country where most female journalists were exposed to organized troll campaigns this year. Turkey & USA followed Canada. Let's get this clear. #Womenjournos shouldn't be harassed because of their gender. Gender is never a reason for online violence. 🧵

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