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Nov 25, 2022, 10 tweets

As a Thanksgiving treat from London, MintPress News Senior Staff Writer Alan MacLeod highlights 10 recent events that prove that the US's grip on hegemonic power is weakening.

In October, Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations ignored a US request to increase oil production.

Lula da Silva's recent electoral victory in Brazil, and other recent victories in Colombia and Nicaragua, came with a host of declarations from the Latin American nations to buck the power of the United States.

Defiance from the BRICS nations and Qatar:

Singapore and other ASEAN nations have recently refused to take sides with the United States against China.

India responded to US sanctions against Russia's energy industry by expanding its trading relationship with both Russia and China.

Pakistan's new leadership, which took power after ousting Imran Khan from the premiership with the support of the US, reaffirmed its collaboration with China on the Belt and Road Initiative this month.

A UBS chairman recently stated that he was bullish on China's economic prospects at a Hong Kong banking summit.

The Chancellor of Germany will soon be making two moves that go against US interests by visiting Beijing and supporting negotiations with Russia to end the war in Ukraine.

And finally, the US's bet that it could collapse the Russian economy through sanctions has proven false. The ruble is actually performing well.

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