Mimi 🔫| Over & Out Profile picture
Inactive | Missing Vegas 25/8 | #BibleJeff 🤘 | #Bsumbody | #Saturdayss 🪐

Nov 26, 2022, 7 tweets

Boss presents a picture of himself and Jeff that looks like Jeff.
Jeff refuses to see it and everyone else wants to add on to their submission.

#ไบเบิ้ลเจฟ #bibleJeff #JeffBible #Rosaturn

NOTE : Idk why Boss picture didn’t come in on this app and I didn’t see it so let’s pretend it’s there in the chat too

What’s Stopping You???

TA went all out with a video twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Fluffy indeed

I can’t blame Bible Jeff is hot damm 🔥🥵

-Fank you @cinnamonskull_ for the idea I hope I did Justice
- QRT your thoughts if you want
- I’m really excited for the next one 🙈

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