Noelle 🌕🌑 Profile picture

Nov 26, 2022, 15 tweets

Wednesday being a big softie with Enid, a thread 🧵

[Don't show her this]
#wenclair #wednesdaynetflix

1. She literally opens up the first day she met her #wenclair

2. The puppy eyes worked since day one. She went to apologize without further argument #wenclair

3. The whole Poe Cup thing is hilarious (1/3) #wenclair

(2/3) #wenclair

(3/3) please the little smile and how she let Enid being touchy🥹 #wenclair

4. More puppy eyes and how Wednesday seems to have a soft voice reserved for Enid #wenclair

5. She always gives in🤣 #wenclair

6. She actually cares🤧#wenclair

7. She can't get more dramatic about Enid leaving their shared room 😂#wenclair

8. This interaction and how they fight like an old married couple is *chef kiss* #wenclair

9. Wednesday missed her even tho she won't admit it 🥹

10. Practiacally a love confession in Addamese #wenclair

11. The End. #wenclair

There are more moments of these two, but some of you already pointed out how she tries not to hurt her feelings in several occasions 🫶 #wenclair

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