巴丢草 Bad ї ucao Profile picture
Chinese Australian artist/Award wining cartoonist for @theage @smh /Human rights Activist/DM for signed print & original art /support me on https://t.co/EgToBejuEt

Nov 26, 2022, 7 tweets

Thread 1/ #ChinaUprisingThread

🔥 latest protest from Shanghai last night!
people are chanting ‘共产党下台,习近平下台 CCP go down!Xijinping go down!‘

2/ Protestors from Shanghai comforts Police
‘You come to serve people?!Ur Serving people is crackdown on people!’

3/ it is reported protestors who are arrested in Shanghai filled the at least two police vans.

4/ this young gril is among a lot protestors from Shanghai who got arrested last night.
She went back to the frontline several times to stop police arresting other people and finally snapped by police herself.
People call her XiaoQiao 小乔

5/ this is also from last night shanghai protest

6/ another video from Shanghai showing protesters are chanting ‘共产党 下台 Down China’s communist party‘

This is a total revolution!

7/ #ChinaUprisingThread protesters are regathering today in Shanghai to support the protesters arrested last night !

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