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金培力 China jottings at

Nov 27, 2022, 10 tweets

NOT CCTV NEWS 11/26 A day of spontaneous protest

A round-up of the day's non-news around the nation.

First, Urumqi where white-suited police go door-to-door looking for instigators and block public streets.

Haizhu in Guangzhou is seeing white suits upgrade to a more weaponized look.

Chongqing people, sick and tired of lockdowns are literally kicking down walls.

A lone protester silently remembers the lost souls in the Urumqi fire.

Nanjing students hold a vigil to remember victims of lockdown violence and lockdown negligence.

The Zhengzhou protests were dispersed but soldiers armed with heavy weaponry have been spotted pouring into town

Tianjin is seeing small protests, including what appears to be a citizen's bicycle blockade.

Sleepy Beijing University is stirring to life again.
The words of the man on the bridge, Peng Lifa, are repeated in slogans and in campus graffiti.
Students sing the Internationale as police look on.
Memories of a past generation?

Shanghai has seen some of the biggest protests and most vociferous slogans. They have not forgotten the calamitous lockdown of last spring, even though Li Qiang, the official who implemented it was rewarded with a seat on Xi's handpicked Politburo

Urumqi Road is an apt location.

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