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Nov 27, 2022, 42 tweets

— a #ryeji filo au

Two people that broke each other. Two people that loved each other. They were given a chance to fix their mistakes; will they take it? Or sisirain lang nila ulet ang isa’t


Hazel Gonzales

- Loud introvert, first impression lagi sa kanya ay mataray at kasama sa popular crowd
- Volleyball player and book worm

Addilyn Soriano

- Cold-hearted na tao, tahimik and very observant
- Guitarist and in a band

Mia Hernandez

- Jolly person; golden retriever energy
- Dancer and ride or die ni Hazel

Sophia Javier

- Shy person, a newcomer
- Artsy and likes to draw

Isabelle Diaz

- She is famous for her dancing skills
- Past ni Addilyn

Ethan Ferrer

- Lead singer sa band nila Addilyn called Xscape
- Madaming issue sa past niya

Vivian Pangilinan

- Biggest player, can be toxic at times to people and is stuck with her past
- 4Lifer dati ni Hazel

Ava Salvador

- The batch pick me
- Madaming issue; past ni Vivian

Cleo Tan

- Flirty with everyone, childhood best friend ni Hazel
- Ride of die ni Addilyn, popular for being the crush ng bayan

Kallie Ignacio

- Best friends nila Ava and Vivian






























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