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Learn’d Bleach philosopher. Infamous cocktail connoisseur. Known MHA apologist. Survivor of NBC’s The Blacklist.

Nov 27, 2022, 12 tweets

My Hero No. 374

Paired well with this week’s HxH chapter in delivering some shine for the villains.

A nice reversal begins to unfold as the warp gates that set our heroes off to a promising start are now used to turn the tide of the battle!
#MHA374 #MHA

I don’t know that this weather reporter scene was needed, but it’s a kind of cool way of showing the scale of the conflict at hand.

Dabi continues to be a more enjoyable character than I ever imagined him being for me.

Will never be among my series favorites, but it’s still always fun to see a man on a mission battling against the clock or their impediments.

Meanwhile things have kind of stagnated at our main battlefield, so I’m thankful Kurogiri and Present Mic are visiting and spicing things up.

Personally hoping for some of the others to get in on this fight again because I find the 1v1 itself rather tedious at this point in the game.

There’s still way too much story left to be had for it to really end anywhere conclusive.

This was probably the most disappointing moment My Hero has had for me in a long while tbh

This stuff bothers me WAY more than the “fakeout deaths, asspulls, Mirio twerk town grand tours,” or whatever else y’all on the tl be seething about.

It’s just so unnecessary and it lowkey steals a bit of Spinner’s hard earned thunder.

I don’t need some microchip to have been on Shiggy’s hand for the Kurogiri awakening to work for me 😭

I’ve been a huge All for One fan and consistently wrote off those who continually gripe about his general existence, but this is a legitimately bothersome moment.

The man has enough of a resume. Don’t make Spinner his microchip Uber!

It’s not a huge deal or anything, but it just goes to show you that even the smallest tweaks can make you feel very differently about a moment than you did previously.

Because I was EATING this moment UP in No. 373 and now it’s just sort of neutered for me.

Anyway, there’s my rare noteworthy negative note on MHA.

I’m sure those who only care to note my journey in these instances will rejoice and overblow it as per usual.

Because they only care what I have to say when it fits their narrative. 🙃

But I digress, back to what I liked!

The new matchups are fucking heat and I’m psyched!

The reemergence of Double in particular opens a lot of doors and could very well brew up a lot of cool fights.

Or it could be a short lived army of fodder if handled poorly. Time’ll tell 🤞

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