Mimi 🔫| Over & Out Profile picture
Inactive | Missing Vegas 25/8 | #BibleJeff 🤘 | #Bsumbody | #Saturdayss 🪐

Nov 28, 2022, 10 tweets

PT 12 SFC DPR IAN Concert AU
Bible and Jeff on a Concert Date and who do they bump into…. Only Bloody TA.
Boss is crying at home for being left alone. Now how did that happen?

#ไบเบิ้ลเจฟ #bibleJeff #JeffBible #Rosaturn

999 We got a baby on the loose

Was Boss forgotten?

The never ending saga of TA exposing 🤭

Video cr: youtube.com/@loveintheair1… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Boss with zero brain cells and Jeff owes another date 🫣

Sorry TA no space for you twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Will Boss succeed?

- This is dedicated to Xie Xie my babe for giving me the idea @hexiet 🖤🫶
- Riri my number one supporter @cinnamonskull_ 🖤🫶
QRT your thoughts if you’re not feeling shy

I pray everyone is having a good day/night/afternoon 🫶

And that this adds a little sunshine and smile!

Ooops maybe I looped that car ride of #BibleJeff but nonetheless enjoy 🤭

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