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Nov 28, 2022, 7 tweets

Thread of celebrities who publicly supported Kesha after she revealed what Dr. Luke did to her #FreeKesha

Before I behind this thread, please take a second to quote this PopBase tweet with #FreeKesha, this information needs to be publicly knowledge, but Dr. Luke asked the judge to seal it, which is why no major outlets have reported it

Adele - “I’d like to take a quick second and just thank my management and my record label for embracing the fact that I’m a woman, and being encouraged by it.
And I’d also like to take this moment to publicly support Kesha”

Ariana Grande - Speaking with Carson Daly about supporting Kesha and her situation #FreeKesha

Ariana also shared her support on Twitter #FreeKesha

Taylor Swift - In addition to donating to Kesha’s legal defense fund, Taylor spoke about how she got in touch with Kesha to prepare for her own trial. Kesha has also spoken about her friendship with Taylor #FreeKesha

Lots more coming soon! I’ll frame this more eloquently later but Lady Gaga even went to court defending Kesha! #freekesha

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