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@BulwarkOnline ////// Also @TNAjournal @nationalaffairs @AmericanPurpose ////// Formerly @weeklystandard @EPPCdc @BQOmagazine

Nov 28, 2022, 10 tweets

Some great philosophers, illustrated—a 🧵.

These are in no particular order, but we really must start with Sockrates.

Play-doh Plato

Hegel's Bagels

Crobinson Rousseau

Arthur Schopenhowitzer

Thomas Hobbit and John Lock

David Humid

Friedrich Nitchy

Alexis de Toke-ville

These pictures were all made w/ the new release of Midjourney, the AI illustrator. I was playing around with it today while trapped under small children who were watching Sesame Street.

The new Midjourney is great, but it still can't do hands right.

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