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Nov 29, 2022, 17 tweets

Why do enlightened people like Jiddu, U.G. Ramakrishna, and Ramana Maharshi give contradictory statements on the Kundalini power? Some of them negate and others affirmative.

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is universal in his spirituality. He did not merely accept but intensely practiced several religious paths and then the several systems within Hinduism, and showed that they were all true.

He stated the truths in simple words, expressed and displayed truths directly, and compassionately taught all these to everyone.

He did express about Kundalini, which has been celebrated by Sages for thousands of years. This must be true. No doubts.

Ramana Maharishi too didn't deny Kundalini. He asserted that its another technique to realise the Self & is from Yogic path. In Jnana path, Self-enquiry was sufficient, & when Self is realised, Kundalini spontaneously rises to sahasrara. A separate yogic practice wasn't needed.

JK and UG were modern, intellectual and their audience were western and western educated Indians. There was never a common man among their audience. Nor can the commoner even understand their language, forget the complicated simplistic essence of their speeches.

They took on the mushrooming bogus(or illusioned) centres and bogus(or illusioned) masters who branded Kundalini as an esoteric factory of ecstacy, power, and psychological shangri-la.

See JK’s anguish-

….While they live an immoral life, in the sense of a stupid life, a vain and self-centred life, while their daily life is self-centred, they say they have awakened kundalini. I question it.

...That is why I object to this discussion on kundalini or whatever that energy is, because we haven't done the spadework. We don't lead a life of correctness; we want to add something new to it so as to carry on our mischief.

Yes. Nothing else. Look at these people: they aren't clearing the house, are complete sex maniacs/some kind of idiocy is going on & they talk about kundalini. I say sorry. Sir, its the most sacred thing, thus you can't invite it. And you are all inviting it.

J Krishnamurthy

J Krishnamurthy

As you can see, JK did not disagree with Kundalini, but disagreed with the kind of marketing, and all the associated nonsense.

Ramana Maharishi clarifies for good-

The yogi may be definitely aiming at rousing the Kundalini (the Serpent-power) and sending it up the sushumna (yogic nerve). The Jnani may not have this as His object, but both achieve the same result,...

that of sending the life-force up the sushumna and severing the chitjadagranthi (the knot binding the sentient and the inert). Kundalini is another name for Atma or Self, or Sakti. We talk of it as being inside the body because we conceive ourselves as limited to the body.

But it is in reality both inside and outside, being no other than the Self, or Sakti. In the jnana marga, when by Self- enquiry the mind is merged in the Self, the Self, its Sakti or Kundalini rises automatically.
- Gems from Bhagavan - ed. A. Devaraja Mudaliar; Chapter 13

What we realise from the above is that we must practice our paths of wisdom, devotion, service, and meditation. Kundalini happens on its own as we evolve.

Practicing Kundalini as a standalone Hathayoga practice requires extraordinary discipline and a realised Master as prerequisites, both of which are extremely rare, which makes it unsafe and dangerous for common seekers.

All the Masters converge here! Let’s leave the snake in peace, and let her rise when She has to!
Credit: Rami Sivan

A small mistake, the writer is not Rami Sivan.

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