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Twee BIG geregistreerde verpleegkundigen, één thuis geparkeerd met zwijgbeding, de ander met twee handen aan het bed. Licht het ⚓️ we gaan stuurboord

Nov 29, 2022, 7 tweets

1944 - Birth of the WEF: The Red House Report, is a meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg. Nazis commissioned an elite group of industrialists to plan for Germany's post-war recovery, the return of the 👉4th Reich👈” This article = fact-checked…

1/4/1933 - less than 3 months after rising to power, the Nazis staged a nationwide boycott of Jewish businesses. The boycott signaled the start of the Nazi movement to exclude Jews from all aspects of German society…

2005 - Nazi doctors, human experimentation & Typhus. In Murderous medicine Naomi Baumslag documents the complicity of 👉Nazi doctors & pharmaceutical companies in medical experiments👈 related to epidemic typhus to further Jewish genocide #HistoryRepeats…

18/21/21 - In the entire 'free' west, 'non-essential' shops are being closed by government order. Countries that flout the imposed rules are being blackmailed through the suspension of (EU) subsidies. Reason: Slowing the spread of THE VIRUS #HistoryRepeats…

24/11/82 - Do you still believe the Socialist Nazis ever left the building? Benito Mussolini 'It is more appropriate if one calls fascism, corporatism because it is the amalgamation between state and corporate power' In Dutch ‘The Polder Model’…

14/11/18 - Socialism: The Opiate of the Corrupt & Ignorant. Ask yourself, does the country you live in suffer from visible government corruption? Wake up, your country is run by radical socialists who serve their own interests. Solution: standup & revolt…

29/11/22 RESUME: ‘The Great Reset’ is a collaboration between Nazi Socialism & communism. COVID19 is instrumental to achieve the goal. #HackingTheMatrix: social engineering = tool, awareness = goal to break the spell of human enslavement. Thank for reading, share your knowledge

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