Scott Hechinger Profile picture
Civil rights attorney. Longtime public defender. Dad. Executive Director, Zealous. Fighting everyday to share the truth about public health & safety.

Nov 29, 2022, 21 tweets

Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday2022) is a good opportunity here to raise up some of the amazing local partners I get to work with round the country who fight everyday for fairness, freedom, health, & safety.

Thread on how to support:

Texas Jail Project. Empowering incarcerated people in Texas county jails by lifting their voices through stories, testimonies, & community building. Providing aid and support to people, families, and communities. Fighting for truth. Give…

Silicon Valley De-Bug (@ . A community organizing, advocacy, & storytelling organization based out of San José, California. Leading a national network of "participatory defense" hubs supporting public defenders secure the best outcomes in & out of court:…

Contextos (@ContextosChi). Working to prevent, interrupt, & end cycles of violence in Chicago, while complicating the narrative w/ true stories that illuminate, elevate voices, create proximity, build empathy & change minds and actions of diverse

Gideons Promise (@Gideons_Promise). Supporting public defenders so that we can be a nation where every person has access to zealous, outstanding legal representation necessary to ensure “equal justice for all” in the criminal justice arena.

Partners for Justice (@PFJ_USA). Training non-attorney Advocates to provide clients with case navigation and wraparound support, while helping public defenders protect people from incarceration and other criminal

Healthy Hood (@healthyhoodchi). Providing affordable programming & resources to combat the current twenty-year life expectancy gap between undeserved communities and high-income communities in the Chicagoland area and around the country.

PEN America Prison & Justice Writing Program. Amplifying the work of 1000s of writers who are creating while incarcerated. Providing resources, mentorship, & audiences outside the walls.

Fund for Guaranteed Income (@fund4gi). Proving a viable path to guaranteed income–direct, recurring cash transfers that support those who have been locked out of welfare programs and economic systems. Based in Los Angles.

Justice LA Coalition (@JusticeLANow). Grassroots orgs, advocates, directly impacted communities, & stakeholders, working to reduce the footprint of incarceration by stopping jail expansion & reinvest dollars into community-based systems of care.

JustMedia. Organizing, amplifying, and sharing existing films and videos that tell a variety of stories as a media literacy tool for the movement to end mass incarceration and achieve abolition.

Release Aging People in Prison/RAPP Campaign. Working to end racist policies that have more than doubled the number of elders behind bars, to expand the use of parole, compassionate release, & clemency, and to end life imprisonment.

Orleans Public Defenders. Representing nearly 20,000 people each year utilizing a client-centered, community-oriented defense model that puts the client first & takes a 360 degree approach to advocacy & representation.

Free Hearts (@freeheartsorg). Led by formerly incarcerated women, Free Hearts supports, empowers, reunites, and organizes families impacted by incarceration in Tennessee.

Our courtwatching family over the next several threads. Don't just consider giving. Consider volunteering. Truly one of the best, most direct ways right now to help transform the criminal legal system. Accountability. First up: Courtwatch PG in

Baltimore Courtwatch. Don't just consider giving. Consider volunteering. Truly one of the best, most direct ways right now to help transform the criminal legal system. Accountability.

Baltimore Courtwatch. Don't just consider giving. Consider volunteering. Truly one of the best, most direct ways right now to help transform the criminal legal system. Accountability.

Court Watch LA. Don't just consider giving. Consider volunteering. Truly one of the best, most direct ways right now to help transform the criminal legal system. Accountability.

Court Watch NYC. Don't just consider giving. Consider volunteering. Truly one of the best, most direct ways right now to help transform the criminal legal system. Accountability.

Support worker-led journalism that exposes injustice and challenges our reliance on police and punishment.

If you made it this far, thanks! More on my org, Working round country to support local coalitions of defenders, organizers, artists, & people w/ direct experience to topple imbalance of power over justice policy & media.


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