Dr. Ian Garner Profile picture
Professor of Russia stuff @ Pilecki Institute | Banned in 1 country | 📖: "Z Generation: Russia's Fascist Youth” @ https://t.co/Akzzi0ON9Z | 🇨🇦 🇬🇧

Nov 29, 2022, 10 tweets

🧵 Sergey Lavrov was interviewed for a "documentary," Nazism on Trial. It's obviously all completely insane. I read the transcript so you wouldn't have to. ⬇️

Lavrov suggests the entire Ukrainian nation is Nazi and has been since *checks notes* the Soviet Union was created, years before Nazism even existed.

Yes, this does suggest that Ukraine is to blame for Hitler and World War II. A novel addition to the historiography.

Lavrov: Ukraine is Nazi because of NATO, Lenin, Azov, oligarchs, because it's Ukraine, and because of America. Naughty America.

After insinuating that Ukraine and Ukrainians are innately Nazis, Lavrov complains that they are also genetically identical to Russians. Russia is only fighting the Nazis (all Ukrainians), but it is not fighting Ukrainians.

Since Ukrainians are Nazis and Russians and Ukrainians are genetically synonymous, are Russians Nazis? The interviewer didn't seem to ask.

Lavrov going for a grand slam of racism here: we love Ukrainians, some of our best friends are Ukrainians, BUT also they are dirty criminal refugees deluging Europe - just like those nasty Caucasians, North Africans, and Middle Easterners.

Keeping up this level of idiocy and hatred over quite a long interview should earn Lavrov some sort of an award. Is there an Oscar for Best Liar in a Fake Documentary?

Also to blame for Ukraine's "Nazism": all Western media, which is controlled by Western politicians and never dissents. Good, honest media like Russia Today and Sputnik got kicked out of Europe, ergo Russia had to invade Ukraine.

I feel much stupider after reading through that lot. I hope you do too. You're welcome.

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