Cllr Oliver Patrick 🔶 🇬🇧 🍏 🕊 Profile picture
Lib Dem Councillor for Coker Division in Somerset. All views my own. RT ≠ endorsement.

Nov 30, 2022, 12 tweets

Soon I’ll have no money left for #corsirosenthalboxes! Requests are coming in thick and fast, and soon I’m going to have to start saying “no”…

⁉️Got me thinking though: why the surge in interest…?
A thread 🧵 1/

On 24th November 2022 (time stamping for future ref), the Department for Education (@educationgovuk) wrote to all their mailing list members (Local Authorities and signed-up schools). They stressed the importance of ventilation to tackle Covid and flu in schools this winter👇 2/

In this email, the DfE confirmed they are reopening their programme for FREE air cleaning units - which they endorse for classrooms where good ventilation has proven difficult to achieve. I think this is driving a renewed interest in clean air in schools
👇 3/

Firstly, it’s bizarre having experienced opposition to air filters (being told “the science isn’t there”) to full-blown endorsement by the DfE.
Secondly, it concerns me that this message hasn’t gone to *every* school (don’t worry I’ve forwarded it to as many HTs as I know!)

⚠️ Strict eligibility criteria:
📌 School needs to prove sustained CO2 reading of 1,500ppm over 7 days
📌 If school can fix ventilation issue by March they’re not eligible
📌 Classroom MUST be occupied by 5 or more people (so no air filters for specialist classrooms) 5/

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨Worth noting - the DfE is quite clear that air filters work against Covid, influenza, allergies, and asthma!

Back to eligibility: if a school fails to qualify for a free Air Cleaning Unit, they can always use their own budgets to buy from the Government’s marketplace. The 2 ACUs the DfE have endorsed for schools are rather expensive though👇

👀 Take a look at air filters no.3 and 4 on the chart below - they’re the ones endorsed by the DfE. Look at their Clean Air Delivery Rate compared with the #corsirosenthalbox/@SmartairUk products. The DfE-endorsed units don’t appear to be, well, very good…

🇬🇧 Dept for Education has:
⭐️ clearly stated the importance of ventilation and air cleaning this winter
⭐️ endorsed air filters as a means of removing viruses from the air
⭐️ reopened its FREE air filters programme (w strict criteria)

So whilst I’m running out of money to keep offering free air filters, schools can DIY without me! All you need is:

📌 Duck tape =…

📌 Fan =…

📌 4 filters = (⚠️ they come in a 2-pack: be sure to get 4!)

Build instructions👇 11/11

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