Pramod Acharya Profile picture
Journalist/Researcher | Work: @nytimes, @BBC, @CNN, @guardian, @Reuters, @ICIJorg, @journalismfund, @Telegraph, @IMidwest, @channel4, @MigrantRights

Nov 30, 2022, 14 tweets

How Nepali media failed in covering the human cost of the #QatarWorldCup? Here’s what I’ve seen across the country but not in our mainstream media. Follow the thread👇

1. Her husband’s death left her a widow at 22, with a two-year-old daughter who has never met her father and a predatory debt that she has no idea how to pay off.

2. Her husband worked in the Doha Metro, a gleaming mass transit that now carries soccer fans to the stadiums. But in Nepal, she is struggling to feed her children.

3. Her husband died while working as a scaffolder at the Education City stadium. He was 27. His family hasn’t gotten compensation yet.

4. His son was a construction worker in Qatar. In Sept, 2021, son's dead body was discovered in bed, blood spilling from his nose and mouth. “He was the only thread of hope,” dad said. “How can we run our family now? We are ruined.”







11. Another family that lost breadwinner in Qatar. The worker died when he fell off scaffolding at the construction site.

The families like this can be found across Nepal. But their stories have largely gone unreported. Hope we could see more coverage in the future!

Worker's testimony. He worked in the football stadium in Qatar and here's what he wants to say.

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