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Nov 30, 2022, 101 tweets

Do you wonder how to keep up with anything happening in #webdevelopment?

We do, so we decided to list the TOP 💯 Twitter Profiles that share valuable development-related posts.

Track the list in this thread or linked PDF. 🕵️

🧵 TOP 100 👇

100. @davemethvin

Dave is a Digital Services Expert at U.S. Digital Service. He worked as the President of the jQuery Foundation. Now he’s an independent consultant focused on improving web performance and accessibility, mainly in web apps.

99. @amit_sheen

Amit is an experienced web developer with a primary focus on front-end. He specializes in CSS, animations, and creative coding. You can also find him giving talks on meetups, writing articles or doing live coding.

98. @zeeg

David is a co-founder and CTO at Sentry, a software for application monitoring. He currently focuses on product strategy and developer experience. David aims to continue his mission of making things open-source.

97. @0xElan

Elan is a product manager at Alchemy, a blockchain developer platform. She also shares her knowledge at Alchemy University. Elan is passionate about building communities and teaching people web3-related things.

96. @MicheBarks

Michelle is a senior front-end developer at Ada Mode. She is also known for designing, developing and sharing content on her blog CSS {RL}. Michelle is a creative coder, prolific technical writer and occasional speaker.

95. @estraschnov

Emmanuel is the founder and co-CEO of Bubble. He’s dedicated to the reinvention of making software which is why Bubble is a no-code platform that allows anyone to create software and applications without writing code.

94. @graceongrid

Grace is a web designer and Webflow expert based in Calgary. She provides full-service design solutions to help entrepreneurs efficiently scale their brands.

93. @nzgb

Nicolás works as a Staff Software Engineer at Ramp. He has experience working on JavaScript problems and sharing his applied learning with others as an author of sever- al books on JavaScript and editor of Pony Foo.

92. @JenniferDewalt

Jen is a self-taught developer who learned to code by making 180 websites in 180 days. She’s also the founder of Zube, a full-stack developer, growth hacker and entrepreneur.

91. @joelnet

Joel is a Principal Software Engineer at Paciolan. He’s a computer scientist and technology evangelist with over 20 years of experience with JavaScript. He also created a course on Cloudflare Workers.

90. @simonswiss

Simon is a designer, developer, video editor, and content creator. He creates and teaches advanced-level courses on Tailwind CSS, co-hosts The NavBar podcast, and runs a YouTube channel where he shares his knowledge.

89. @denisejacobs

Denis is a speaker, author and creativity evangelist. She is also a founder and CEO of The Creative Dose, an organization spreading a leading-edge approach to work, communicating, and leading better.

88. @thatguyintech

Albert is a Developer Advocate at Alchemy. He helps developers build on blockchain and shares his knowledge in this field at conferences. He creates crypto guides, blockchain tutorials, and a web3 newsletter.

87. @littlecalculist

Dave is a Principal Staff Engineer at LinkedIn. He has a PhD in programming languages and worked at Mozilla, where he contributed to many web-related technologies, including the Rust programming language.

86. @GantLaborde

Gant is Infinite Red’s owner and founder, adjunct professor, book author, and speaker with over 20 years of experience in software development. He is a content maker and manager of popular community repositories.

85. @stoyanstefanov

Stoyan is an entrepreneur, web performance consultant and occasional technical writer. He spent many years at Facebook and Yahoo. He is also the author of a few books on React and JavaScript published by O’Reilly.

84. @shrutikapoor08

Shruti works as a Lead Member of the Technical Staff at Slack. She is GraphQL & React advocate, TC39 delegate, Conference speaker and tech blogger—she shares her knowledge on her website, blog, and newsletter.

83. @JavaScriptCoff1

Faye is a self-taught web developer. As a technical writer and blogger, she specializes in communicating complex technical knowledge in a way anyone can understand.

82. @EddyVinckk

Eddy is a web developer specializing in JavaScript and the founder of Brabant Web. His web development agency builds lightning-fast, modern websites. He works on brochure sites, real estate marketplaces, and SaaS apps.

81. @fox

Karolina is a front-end engineer, product designer, and co-founder of the Calibre app. She participates actively in the tech community—speaking, running industry conferences, writing, mentoring, and organizing events.

80. @manekinekko

Wassim is a senior Developer Advocate at Microsoft specializing in JavaScript and an Angular and Node.js core contributor. He creates tools for developers and shares his insights through articles and conference speeches.

79. @acemarke

Mark describes himself as a Collector of interesting links. Answerer of questions. Writer of very long posts. He’s a senior front-end engineer at and a Redux maintainer.

78. @crnacura

Manoela is a web designer, developer, and creative coder. She co-founded Codrops, a blog with educational and inspirational content from web development and design. They share industry news and trends.

77. @twholman

Tim describes himself as a tinkerer, tuner and tamperer. He’s also a Lead Product Engineer at Bustle Digital Group. He worked at CodePen and Tumblr. Tim is passionate about creative coding and interactive experiments.

76. @brucel

With over 20 years of experience in accessibility and web standards, Bruce is a huge evangelist for making the web available for all. He’s a member of the Web Standards Project and a co-author of Introducing HTML5.

75. @adrian_twarog

Thanks to Adrian’s background as a designer, he is a web and app developer aware of UX and UI issues. He released a book, Enhance UI, about design for web developers. He is also a prolific content creator.

74. @SlexAxton

Alex is a front-end infrastructure engineer at Stripe and a member of the Modernizr core team. He served on what is now known as The JavaScript Foundation. He contributes to open source and runs the Texas JS conference.

73. @t3dotgg

Theo went from a software engineer at Twitch to founding and being the CEO of Ping Labs. His company creates better tools for video content creators, including himself, as he is still active on his Youtube channel.

72. @laurieontech

Laurie is a software engineer at Netflix, content creator, educator, and conference speaker. On her Twitter, she talks about tech insights, optimization of development workflow, work-life balance, and productivity.

71. @tannerlinsley

Tanner is the co-founder of and the creator of TanStack. He creates open-source software used by hundreds of thousands of developers at Fortune 500 companies, such as Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix.

70. @jamesqquick

James is a full-stack Web Developer, teacher, and speaker. He hosts a podcast (Compressedfm) and runs his Youtube channel, where he shares knowledge of web development.

69. @DasSurma

Surma is a Web Platform Advocate working on Developer Experience (DX) at Shopify. Previously, while working at Google as a Staff Developer Advocate, he co-hosted the HTTP 203 podcast and ran a YT channel Supercharged.

68. @mhevery

While working at Google, Misko created Angular and AngularJS. He co-created Karma. He is a CTO at BuilderIO, a no-code website builder and a co-creator of Qwik, a web framework for app development.

67. @retomeier

Reto is a Director of Online Content and Platforms at Google and a software developer with over 20 years of experience in application design and development. He contributed to the constant improvement of Android apps.

66. @argyleink

Adam is a full-stack engineer with UX and UI skillset. A Developer Advocate at Google Chrome and a member of the CSS Working Group. Adam is also a co-host of the CSS podcast, where he shares many CSS tips and insights.

65. @ladyleet

Tracy is a serial entrepreneur with love for building companies and communities. She is the CEO of This Dot Labs, a JavaScript consultancy, a co-founder of This Dot Media, and a Google Developer Expert.

64. @KevinJPowell

Kevin is a self-taught web developer and CSS evangelist. He is a prolific content creator and passionate educator. He loves to share his love for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, especially on his Youtube channel.

63. @SuhailKakar

Suhail is a software engineer working at Livepeer as a developer advocate. His mission is to help developers master web development and transit from web2 to web3. He regularly shares his educational content on his blog.

62. @mitsuhiko

Armin is a co-founder of the Pocoo Team and the lead developer of popular Python projects. He specializes in web development, graphics, and real-time rendering, and he speaks at conferences and develops open-source software.

61. @holtbt

Brian is a Product Manager on dev tools at Stripe. He worked as a JavaScript engineer at Netflix, Microsoft, and Reddit. He teaches at Frontend Masters and speaks at the Front End Happy Hour podcast.

60. @aerotwist

Paul works at Spotify as a Software Engineer. He created Lighthouse and worked on Chrome Dev Tools. Paul posts videos on web development on his Youtube channel.

59. @jh3yy

Jhey is a web developer, passionate about creative coding. Apart from being a developer advocate at Google, he is a writer, educator, mentor, and a master of Whimsical. He’s also into user experience and accessibility.

58. @mgechev

Minko works on Angular and frameworks at Google as a developer advocate lead. He founded an EdTech company, Rhyme, which Coursera acquired. His open-source projects focus on enhancing web performance and code quality.

57. @callmevlad

Vlad is a co-founder and CEO of Webflow, a no-code webiste builder. He empowers designers and entrepreneurs to design (mainly on Twitter), build and launch websites and applications without knowing how to code.

56. @devdevcharlie

Charlie is a senior developer advocate at Stripe and a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies. She explores the human-computer interaction (HCI) field and is very much into machine learning and creative coding.

55. @austingriffith

Austin is a web developer at Ethereum Foundation. As a web3 enthusiast, he’s built many projects exploring Ethereum’s possibilities. He is also a prolific content creator and educator with a Youtube channel about web3.

54. @PatrickAlphaC

Patrick is a Chainlink developer advocate and software engineer. He is also the founder and CEO of his blockchain company, Alpha Chain. He shares his knowledge through various media like Twitter, Youtube, and Medium.

53. @rachelandrew

Rachel is a technical writer at Google and a member of the CSS Working Group. She specializes in CSS and enjoys writing books and articles and giving talks at conferences.

52. @BenLesh

Ben is the technical lead for RxJS, an independent open-source project. He is a Senior Engineer at Citadel Securities who used to work for Netflix and Google. He talks about software engineering on his blog and Twitter.

51. @acdlite

Andrew is a front-end engineer at Meta (former Facebook) on the React Core Team. He frequently shares his insights and tips from web development, primarily JavaScript coding tricks.

50. @leeerob

Lee is VP of Developer Experience at Vercel. He specializes in web development, serverless, and React/Next.js. Lee speaks at matter-related conferences and writes a newsletter on development and careers in technology.

49. @wycats

Yehuda co-founded Tilde and is a co-author of the Extensible Web Manifesto. One of the creators of the Ember.js framework, a member of the Rust Core Team, and a retired member of the Ruby on Rails and jQuery Core Teams.

48. @rauschma

Axel specializes in JavaScript and web development. He’s been developing web applications since 1995 and blogging at since 2005. Author of several books on JavaScript. He gives talks on web development.

47. @codepo8

Senior Program Manager for Microsoft, working on Edge Developer Tools and anything JavaScript related. On his blog, Chris shares info on areas he specializes in: AI, developer tools and relations, JS, and accessibility.

46. @csswizardry

As an independent Consultant and Web Performance Engineer, Harry works with Google, UN, Etsy, Kickstarter, BBC, Unilever, Deloitte, and more. He writes and shares code about measuring and improving site speed.

45. @markdalgleish

Mark is the co-creator of CSS Modules, lead organizer of MelbJS, and former Front-end Infrastructure Lead at SEEK, Australia’s leading job site. He’s currently working as Engineer at Rainbow (Ethereum wallet).

44. @ania_kubow

Ania is a software engineer and a course creator for She teaches JavaScript, React, React-Native, Next.js, Node.js, Express, GraphQL, Serverless Functions, Database work, and more on her YT channel.

43. @JoshWComeau

Josh is an instructor at CSS for JavaScript Developers. He worked in DigitalOcean and Gatsby Inc, building tools for developers. His blog, newsletter, and Twitter feed are full of content for front-end web developers.

42. @Una

Una makes the web more styleable as a Web Developer Advocate at Google and writes a blog on this matter. She hosts the podcasts Toolsday, The CSS Podcast, and a video web series, Designing in the Browser.

41. @davidwalshblog

David is a web developer and software engineer working for MetaMask. He writes a tutorial blog on JavaScript, HTML5, AJAX, PHP, CSS, WordPress, and other development-related things. He focuses on open-source development.

40. @evan_van_ness

Evan is the founder of the This Week in Ethereum popular newsletter. It recaps the highlights and activities of the Ethereum community. Evan’s Twitter feed is also dedicated to news about this technology.

39. @jaffathecake

Jake is a Developer Advocate at Google, working with the Chrome team on developing and promoting web standards and dev tools. He likes sharing knowledge at conferences and posting exciting things related to his industry.

38. @jensimmons

Jen is a graphic designer, web developer, speaker and educator. A Developer Advocate at Apple, WebKit and Safari. Member of the CSS Working Group with a huge contribution to the deployment of CSS grid layout.

37. @VittoStack

Vitto calls himself a web3 & blockchain developer. Working currently as a Developer Advocate at Alchemy, he is also running Alchemy University, which helps developers transit from web2 into web3 for free.

36. @iam_preethi

Preethi is an experienced software engineer who worked at Goldman Sachs, A16Z, and Coinbase. Currently, she is running DappCamp, a platform where she teaches how to become a web 3.0 developer and build your dApp.

35. @oliverjumpertz

Olivier is an ambitious software engineer and content creator. He eagerly shares his knowledge in software engineering, mainly focusing on JavaScript, TypeScript, and web development.

34. @SaraSoueidan

Being an independent design engineer, Sara specializes in accessibility on the web. She is also a frequent speaker, writer and author of educational content shared through multiple media.

33. @steveschoger

Steve is another half of a duo behind the book Refactoring UI and the author of a broad range of educational content he shares on his Youtube channel. He is also a designer and partner at Tailwind Labs.

32. @LeaVerou

Lea is a W3C TAG and CSS Working Group member, which allowed her to co-edit some of the CSS specifications. She is an active researcher at MIT SCAIL and a frequent conference speaker and educator.

31. @brad_frost

In his book Atomic Design, Brad introduced his methodology for approaching design systems—now standard in web design. Frost focuses on his career as a design system consultant, web designer, speaker, and writer.

30. @dabit3

Nader is a Director of Developer Relations at Aave and Lens Protocol, a decentralized social graph based on web3. He is passionate about blockchain modularity which he often touches upon in his posts.

29. @ryanflorence

Ryan is a co-founder of Remix, a full-stack web framework for building websites. As a brilliant software engineer, Ryan shares his knowledge of JavaScript, React, and general programming best practices.

28. @ASpittel

Ali is a talented software engineer working as a Developer Advocacy Lead at AWS. She is also a passionate educator, blogger at We Learn Code, and co-host of the Ladybug Podcast.

27. @photomatt

Matt is a founding developer behind WordPress, a free, open-source web software. Currently, he holds the CEO position at Automattic, an Internet company binding brands like WordPress or Tumblr.

26. @taylorotwell

Taylor’s a brilliant programmer, and one of his great successes is creating a PHP framework, Laravel. Currently, Taylor is the CEO of Laravel, also running other Laravel products such as Forge and Envoyer.

25. @adamwathan

Adam is a full-stack developer well-known for creating the Tailwind CSS framework. He likes to share his knowledge—his educational works include the Refactoring UI book and the video series made with Steve Shoger.

24. @florinpop1705

Florin is a web developer passionate about teaching others. So far, he’s completed several challenges resulting in hundreds of projects using his HTML/CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, and many more skills.

23. @Kappische

Daniel played a massive role as a Production Director of the sandbox game Minecraft. After leaving Mojan Studios, he joined Coffee Stain Publishing (e.g. Goat Simulator) as a business developer.

22. @BrendanEich

The world of web development wouldn’t be the same without Eich. After all, he’s the man who created JavaScript. He is also a co-founder of Mozilla Firefox and a co-founder and CEO at Brave.

21. @Suhail

Suhail is the founder of Mixpanel. He recently worked on a new startup that created Mighty browser but decided to shut it down. Now Suhail is going all-in on AI and shares tips on building products, startups, and more.

20. @cassidoo

Cassidy is an engagingly upbeat tech passionate who likes to share her passion with the world. She is a software engineer, dev advocate, startup advisor and the CTO at Contenda.

19. @TimSweeneyEpic

Tim is one of the leading personalities in the world of video games. He is a co-founder and CEO of Epic Games—the maker of Fortnite, one of the world’s most popular games, with over 400 million players. Sweeney also created Unreal Engine.

18. @kentcdodds

Thanks to his software engineering background, Dodds is an excellent full-time teacher spreading knowledge about web development. His impressive offer of courses in this field is dedicated to programmers of all backgrounds and different skills level.

17. @aeyakovenko

Anatolij, with 10+ years of building high-performance Operating Systems, is another star of the crypto world in our ranking. He created and developed Solana Labs—a blockchain platform with SOL being its native cryptocurrency.

16. @youyuxi

Evan is the man behind Vue.js, a popular JavaScript framework you probably came across. He is also a creator of the front-end built tool, Vite. Previously, Evan was also a part of the Google and Meteor team.

15. @chriscoyier

Chris co-founded CodePen, a social development environment for web designers and developers. He is also a creator of CSS-Tricks. Chris is a figure who has done a lot for the community of web designers and developers, and this is how he defines himself.

14. @DThompsonDev

Danny is a self-taught engineer, tech community teacher, mentor, and podcaster. He worked at Google but ultimately dedicated himself to supporting others in starting or improving their career in tech.

13. @edmundmcmillen

Edmund is one of the most successful independent game developers of this era. He is an artist and game designer who took Adobe Flash to the next level with such games as Super Meat Boy or The Binding of Isaac.

12. @sarah_edo

Looking for some advice on dev team management? Sarah has something for you: a newly released book called Engineering management for the rest of us, which conquered the Twitter community. Drasner is a Director of Engineering at Google.

11. @tobi

Tobi is the creator of a well-known e-commerce platform called Shopify. Currently, he is the CEO of this company. He used to be a member of a core team of the Ruby on Rails framework as a programmer.

10. @codinghorror

Jeff co-founded and He’s an experienced web developer whose development adventure began in the 80s. Jeff is also the author of the blog Coding Horror. He writes about software development and technology.

9. @Prathkum

Pratham’s Twitter feed and Youtube channel are the places to go if you’re looking for some good content about CSS or want to upgrade your CSS skills. With his fast-growing audience and popularity in the tech industry, he can be called a true web influencer.

8. @wesbos

If you’re a fan of technology podcasts, you might know Wes from his original tri-weekly podcast, Syntax. He also created multiple free and premium courses for web developers of all levels, from beginners to advanced.

7. @zeldman

Jeffrey is a man of many talents, but above all, he is known for being the King of Web Standards (Bloomberg Businessweek). He owes this title to his broad activity in the field of (web) design by writing, speaking, teaching, and publishing in
A List Apart journal.

6. @addyosmani

Addy is a Software Engineer working on Google Chrome, and his main focus is making the web fast. Addy is also a prolific writer (brilliant books!), a YouTuber, and a creator of TodoMVC, Yeoman, Material Design Lite, and Web Starter Kit.

5. @dan_abramov

Dan is currently working as a software engineer at Facebook. He is also a co-author of Create React App and the creator of Redux. If you want to stay up to date with the React universe, he’s the person to follow. You can find him on Youtube or read his blog.

4. @gavofyork

Gavin has been in the web3 world for a very long time. After all, he’s the man who coined the term Web 3.0 in 2014! He is the President and founder of Web3 Foundation, Parity Technologies, and the inventor of the Polkadot.

3. @IvanOnTech

If you want to start a web3 business, build a dApp, or learn more about web3, Ivan is the man to follow. He is a co-founder and CEO of Moralis. However, you may know him better from his Ivan on Tech Youtube channel.

2. @dhh

David is a man of many talents. He is the creator of Ruby on Rails and the co-owner & CTO of 37signals (Basecamp & HEY). What’s more, David published several best-selling books about efficient remote work, and starting & running a business.

1. @rauchg

We admire the Vercel company.♥️ What they do for the front-end community (brilliant contributions to open-source, famous events, and free & paid tools) inspires us at Shuffle. Vercel is an excellent example of a well-implemented strategy focused on devs.

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