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Nov 30, 2022, 25 tweets

(This is the second thread) This thread was not created by me. This is an archive of @curioslight's thread (I just want to save it here to avoid losing all this important information) Balenciaga & co must be unmasked! If the thread says "I" then it refers to @curioslight

Weird random stuff I found - Chris Maggio:

This is really disturbing, Cannibal Corpse is a metal band but still this is about the same subject. She also likes an artist named Claudia Mate, more about this artist:

The theme is always kids in some kind of a distress or something sinister. It makes one wonder.

Claudia Mate led me to Maisonsocks who sent a message to her. Now look at these symbols:

It could be far fetched sure but then here is one Claudia Mate fan aswell on the pic on the left, to the right is Claudia tagging Abrahmsson that also has been liking and commenting on Lotta Volkovas page.

Remember she had posted this and then tagged Gosh? Also look at the comment below saying Bloodlust... She has worked with Terry Richardson, a known pedo and pervert.

UPDATE SHE HAS SET HER INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT TO PRIVATE: I knew it was going to happen, but within 2 hours of my little thread, it was FAST! Trust me, the arrogance of these people will be their downfall.

WHY AM I DOING THIS? I'm doing this for the voiceless children who are sexualized by pedophiles in the fashion industry, I also want brands and celebrities to distance themselves from the designers.


We also need to ban and boycott Vetements which is run by this small clique of Lotta Vankolova, Demna and Gosh. It's not only Balenciaga but all #BalenciagaGroomers

None of this suits me and it is a sexualization of our children in the name of "art" and "photography" Gucci is not innocent either, it belongs to the same company as Balenciaga.

Gosha and her close pedo friend, stand next to his idol and the untouchable Karl Lagerfeld, who is rumored to have a thing for little boys. Anyway, check out these messages and Gosha's response was I was recruiting them for a fashion shoot. That's her cover.

Update: she did an opening on @MIUMIUofficial

DO NOT BUY this collection and contact @MIUMIUofficial
to condemn and stop selling their merch:

Here she is at a Burberry party thinking she's on top of the world: Contact @Burberry and make sure they stay away and that Lotta Volkova is canceled!

Below are bathhouses where she took young men to have orgies. The boy (second picture) looks like she brought him to the U.S. The hashtag #SorryPutin is weird, why Sorry Putin? Sorry that she kidnapped the boy from Russia or that she did something bad to the boy?

A quick Q&A with Lotta Volkova:

Update: Demna admitted all 3 of them are pedophiles. Do we need more evidence? Gosha had already been accused by 2 boys. This is who is running Balenciaga. They've opened up #FashionGate

Alexandra Zarini, the great-granddaughter of Guccio Gucci has filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles against three family members:
Her stepfather Joseph Ruffalo, her mother Patricia Gucci, and her grandmother Bruna Palombo.
If they do this to their own imagine.


This is from the popular series of AHS, where witches burn another witch and she screams BALENCIAGA, is that a product placement or does it mean something else? #FashionGate

Update on the photographer @GabrieleGalimba: I find especially the article he mentions very strange why restrict child porn but not guns, maybe he can explain us this strange comparison between child porn and gun crime.

Update on the photographer: He could have told the truth that he wasn't in control at the Balenciaga shoot, but this isn't a rookie who just became a photographer yesterday. He has connections in the industry and didn't even know who he was working with? Bullshit!

Update Alban Adam has set his Instagram Account to private:

Nicole Kidman still supports Balenciaga:

Some media outlets have started to remember again that it's not just about her, it's about the industry that takes advantage of children: We need to know everyone involved in shooting kids pictures, ads and campaigns.


Update: The media starting to pick on this they're slow but we're still waiting for @adidas to stop pretending to not be aware of what is going on and close down their Balenciaga page. #FashionGate


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