Chris Vanderveen (yep…me) Profile picture
2024 duPont-Columbia Award winner | 2022 Peabody Award winner | 4x @NPPA Reporter of the Year | @9News Director of Special Projects |

Dec 1, 2022, 10 tweets


Headline: Wastewater really starting to see an increase in CASES.

Some spots have really started to pop.

Let's start with northern Denver metro. Highest reading since Feb.


Central Denver.

Going up... not as pronounced.


lots of noise... but trending up


Sustained rise for the last few weeks

South metro...

Other places are staying relatively flat... but clearly we can expect CASES to be going up right now... across the state in many spots.

Not terribly surprising to see additional HOSPITALIZATIONS right now


Are all basically variations of OMICRON... but it's clearly a hodgepodge

What's it all mean?

Well, you're probably hearing of people you know getting sick... and... yeah... some of em are likely COVID

Good news is that MOST cases continue to be mild.

And I ain't sayin this to try to freak anyone out. This is mostly expected.

Bottom line...

We got a lot of respiratory viruses out there right now... Good news (for now) is that pediatric RSV cases seem to be calming

Take care yall. And if you don't care... then feel free to mute me... I won't mind :)




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