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𝑻𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒕, 𝑰 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒆 π’π’†π’˜π’” & π’—π’Šπ’†π’˜π’” β€œbiggest threat to democracy is the belief that 'someone else' will save it” β€” Cataleya

Dec 1, 2022, 12 tweets

πŸ†ƒπŸ†πŸ…°πŸ…³ are Hindu traditionalists who idolize the imagined 'golden past'

Racial Supremacy and Xenophobia are the driving forces

This is from #RavishKumar NTDV Prime Time this January, and I felt everyone should be alerted about these zombies

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Trads literally hate Muslims and Dalits

Muslims, for perceived privileges they enjoy with Indian government's 'appeasement' policies

Dalits, for the caste-reservations they perceive are wrong and unfair in the Indian constitution

Trads create lone-wolf terrorists who act on their own after being radicalized for long enough time by the anti-Muslim anti-Dalit hate messages - including genocidal provocations

5 Youths who were involved in Sulli Deals and Bulli Bai are tip of the iceberg

Radicalization is beyond the political spectrum, there is no real control by political leaders

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and other online portals are used to radicalize the youth

Youth then goes on ground to act on the extremist provocation (Capitol Hill)

Fringe groups and sophisticated apps like Teg Fog exploit the social media algorithms to trend their religious bigotry day in and day out

Vulnerable Youth gets in this blackhole and form their world view accordingly

We can never know when such youth becomes radicals☠️

Hindu-nationalist TRAD extremists warn their co-religionists of trickster Christian missionaries preying on the poor, of handsome Muslims luring unwary women into unsuitable marriages via β€œlove jihad”

Fired-up mobs are seizing their chance to put minorities 'in their place' 😳

In many instances police ignored warnings of trouble, intervened late or to have blamed and even arrested those being attacked

Police accepted more than twice as many complaints from aggressors, typically accusing Christians of having broken the laws against religious conversion

India’s roughly 20 Crore Muslims provide a far bigger target for TRADs

Aside from the headline-capturing lynchings by cow vigilante, local extremists have more quietly singled out Muslim-owned businesses, from street hawkers to large corporations, for boycott and harassment

Internet trolls regularly barrage prominent Muslims, particularly women and journalists, with vicious insults

Twice in the past year they have created spurious online β€œauctions” for the sexual favors of Muslim women who criticize the government, using stolen photos

Sulli Deals

Last year, reporters exposed a network of β€œTRADS", believers so ultra-traditional, they dismiss Narendra Modi as a Maulana

Chat sites feature images of Hindus urinating on Muslim corpses, altered Nazi propaganda posters that exhort Hindu mothers to produce more β€œAryan” children

High profile Hindutva enablers are calling on Hindus to β€œcleanse” their country just as Myanmar did β€” a reference to the latter’s genocide of Muslim Rohingyas

In response to all this Mr. Modi and the BJP which is in power at the center, have maintained a chilling silence

While the world watches, the Modi government is turning a blind eye and even actively encouraging majoritarian chauvinism

In the short term, majoritarian chauvinism may boost the RSS and win a few more votes for the BJP

But the loser from this equation is India itself

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