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Dec 1, 2022, 7 tweets

Hear what young trailblazers have to say about how inflation is impacting their work. Reuters is speaking to leaders and forward-thinkers on hot-button topics at the #ReutersNEXT conference in NYC

Hear what young trailblazers have to say about how COVID is impacting their work. @Reuters is speaking to leaders and forward-thinkers on hot-button topics at the #ReutersNEXT conference in NYC

How to ensure technologies like AI are used responsibly should be as important a question as revenues and profits for business leaders, EY's global chief innovation officer Jeff Wong says at #ReutersNEXT

'Young people want change': BloomED Foundation founder Amna Habiba, 16, explains how she thinks young changemakers can hold corporate leaders to their ESG promises #ReutersNEXT

‘It's only about action now' – Hear what changemakers have to say about how climate change is impacting their work and the world. Reuters is speaking to leaders and forward-thinkers at the #ReutersNEXT conference in NYC

Employees are increasingly making their voices heard when companies don't adhere to sustainability goals, and some are even quitting, Interos CEO Jennifer Bisceglie says on the sidelines of #ReutersNEXT

'Nothing left to lose': China is set to loosen COVID curbs after the biggest show of civil disobedience for years. A view from #ReutersNEXT on what drove the protesters

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