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Dec 1, 2022, 10 tweets

Inventions that would not exist without Black Women.


Valerie Thomas, NASA physicist, invented 3D Movies

In 1977, she began to develop the illusion transmitter, the 1st mechanism that allowed images to be viewed in 3D using concave mirrors & rays of light.

Dr. Shirley Jackson research paved the way for numerous developments in telecommunication including the Touch-Tone Telephone, the Portable Fax, Caller ID & Call Waiting.

She was the first black woman to ever earn a doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Mary Beatrice Kenner changed the world of feminine care with the invention of the sanitary belt, the forerunner of sanitary pads.

Her creation was considered to be the first form of modern menstruation protection.

In 1919, Alice Parker invented a gas furnace that supplied central heating for entire homes and buildings! It became the foundation for modern heating.

For all those who love baking, but want the task to be made easy as possible. Anna M. Mangin foresaw your needs. She invented the pastry fork in 1891.

The first home security system and CCTV was invented by a black nurse, Marie Van Brittan Brown.

Thanks to her, we can all feel safer in our homes.

Dr. Patricia Era Bath, 1981. Inventor of the Laserphaco Probe, used worldwide in eye surgery to remove cataracts. Bath founded the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness.

She restored sight to millions of people suffering from cataracts.

Dr. Gladys West helped develop the GPS (Global Positioning System). She is responsible for the math used in GPS technology.

You can thank her the next time you use any navigation device like Google Maps to get around!

The ironing board is a product was invented by sarah boone an african american women who was born enslaved.

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