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Who doesn't like cookies? I post NSFW - no minors. I'm 21+ 🐍Slytherin 🐉Targaryen 💙 Mystic ♥️ Reylo 🔪 |Klaroline |Dramione|

Dec 1, 2022, 5 tweets

#24DaysOfReylo text fic
Ben works all the time, leaving Rey alone. It's their first Christmas together. It's her first tree ever. She excited, but then not so anymore. Slightly NSFW 2 screenshots. 1/

Rey is tired of being 2nd and not a priority. She leaves her key. 2/

Rey is decorating the tree with Finn &Poe. Poe gives her this ornament from Ben. She looks at it and realizes it's not just an ornament

Ben immediately confronts Poe about this. Then he realizes a few things. Then he drops the dead weight. 3 SS

And next Christmas they get a better present than they ever expected. 5/5

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