Abbas عباس Profile picture
#Displaced, A Witness for the #SyrianRevolution, Working for the betterment of Syria, Syrian conflict reporter, a loving father, #Syria #Idlib RT≠Endorsement

Dec 2, 2022, 5 tweets

6 years ago, at this time of year, Aleppo saw the most barbaric Assad bombing, Russian airstrikes, and siege. All hospitals were levelled, markets closed, electricity cut, no food no water, people were dying every hour. The world was silently watching.

30/11/2016, Over 45 people including women and children were killed while they tried to flee the besieged East Aleppo.

Imagine this. It was just another day in besieged Aleppo where Russian planes hit close to a children's hospital.

Two children crying for their younger brother who was killed in a barrel bomb in besieged Aleppo. Lest we forget. (25/8/2016)

Iran, Russia, Assad forces used cluster, incendiary thermite, white phosphorus, thermobaric, napalm, barrel bombs and all fire power they had against the people of Aleppo.


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