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Founder of Level Up Coding | Educational software engineering content — A big thank you to our partner @getpostman who keeps our content free to the community

Dec 2, 2022, 8 tweets

Don’t pay ridiculous amounts of money to learn from Harvard University.

Learn Programming, Computer Science, AI, and more from Harvard for FREE with these courses:

1. Introduction to Computer Science

Want to get into CS? This is a good place to start.

You'll learn about all the fundamental concepts and prominent languages to get started into tech.


2. Web Programming with Python and JavaScript

Web development is wildly in-demand.

With this free course, you'll learn everything you need to get your foot in the door.

From DB design, security and scalability.


3. Introduction to Game Development

If developing games sounds like a fun career to you then this Harvard course is a must.

This course takes a hands-on approach to teaching with projects to boast your learning.


4. Understanding Technology

No matter which field you decide to enter, understanding what happens under-the-hood will always be handy!

This course explores hardware the internet, security, and more.


5. Mobile App Development with React Native

Almost every company has a mobile app which means this is another high-demand field.

You'll learn all the fundamentals of app development with this course.


6. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python

AI is the buzz word of the decade for good reason.

See if this revolutionary field is for you with Harvard's intro to AI course.


That's the end of this thread.

I simplify programming and getting into tech💡

Follow @ChrisStaud for more free tips and free resources.

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