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Dec 2, 2022, 8 tweets

While you were sleeping Kanye West was suspended. A timeline of events. His last Tweet, “Let’s always remember this as my final tweet #ye24

The second to the last Tweet, Kanye wrote, “Let’s break one last window before outa here I caught this guy with Kim Good night”

The 3rd to last post, Kanye retweeted the post that actually earned him a temporary suspension or timeout. The Tweet that violated TOS, was a picture of a sw*stika inside the Star of David.

This is Tweet that earned Kanye a temporary suspension and initiated a response from Elon Musk, “This is not”. It’s my guess that when he retweeted the Tweet that violated Twitter TOS, he earned a full suspension. Maybe @elonmusk can answer that question.

To recap, the final three Tweet’s from Kanye…

The response from Elon Musk, “I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended.” Musk also added that Kanye’s account was not suspended b/c of the unflattering photo the rapper posted of him.

Before his suspension, Kanye West posted several Tweets about Jesus, pornography and his stance on Balenciaga’s fashion campaign.
*(Feel free to add or make any suggested corrections to this timeline. TL was based on Twitter archives)

How it started…

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