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She/her - concept artist & illustrator

Dec 2, 2022, 25 tweets

A Song of Ice & Fire Through Art, a thread


Ophelia by John Everett Millais

"The steel was polished to such a high sheen that she could see her reflection in the breastplate, gazing back at her as if from the bottom of a deep green pond. The face of a drowned woman, Catelyn thought. Can you drown in grief?"


La Belle Dam Sans Merci by Frank Cadogan Cowper

"... but Sansa sat with her hands folded in her lap, watching with a strange fascination. She had never seen a man die before. She ought to be crying too, she thought, but the tears would not come."


Girl with Black Eye by Norman Rockwell

"...Arya was a trial, it must be said. Half a boy and half a wolf
pup. Forbid her anything and it became her heart’s desire... She collected scabs as other girls collect dolls, and would say
anything that came into her head."


The Taking of Christ by Caravaggio

As his men died around him, Littlefinger slid Ned's dagger from its sheath and shoved it up under his chin. His smile was apologetic. "I did warn you not to trust me, you know."


The wounded poacher by Henry Jones Thaddeus

"He won the war on the battlefield and lost it in a bedchamber."


Landscape by Z. Z. Wei

"The strongest trees are rooted in the dark places of the earth. Darkness will be your cloak, your shield, your mother's milk. Darkness will make you strong."


Wanderer above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich

"He was who he was; Jon Snow, bastard and oathbreaker, motherless, friendless, and damned. For the rest of his life - however long that might be - he would be condemned to be an outsider..."


Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix

She raised the harpy's fingers in the air . . . and then she flung the scourge aside. "Freedom!" she sang out. "Dracarys! Dracarys!"
"Dracarys!" they shouted back, the sweetest word she'd ever heard.


Judith beheading Holofernes by Gentileschi

"She hated feeling weak. If the gods had given her the strength they gave Jaime or that swaggering oaf Robert, she could have made her own escape. Oh for a sword and the skill to wield it. She had a warrior’s heart..."


Not to Be Reproduced by Rene Magritte

"There are no men like me. There's only me."


Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco Goya

"I would sooner entrust a child to a pit viper than to Lord Tywin."


Guernica by Pablo Picasso

"So many dead, so very many. Their corpses hung limply, their faces slack or stiff or
swollen with gas, unrecognizable, hardly human... Why did I
kill them all? He had known once, but somehow he had forgotten."


The Fallen Angel by Cabanel

"She made herself look at that face now, really look... The scars are not the worst part, nor even the way his mouth twitches. It’s his eyes. She had never seen eyes so full of anger."


The Third of May 1808 by Francisco Goya

"Sometimes I think I was born on the bloody grass in that grove of ash, with the taste of fire in my mouth and a hole in my chest."


The Calling of St Matthew by Caravaggio

"Yet I am not the false priest you knew. The Lord of Light has woken in my heart. Many powers long asleep are waking, and there are forces moving in the land. I have seen them in my flames."


The Scream by Edvard Munch

"The sky was a gloom of cloud, the woods dead and frozen. Roots grabbed at Theon's feet as he ran, and bare branches lashed his face, leaving thin stripes of blood across his cheeks... Mercy, he sobbed."


A Bar at the Folies-Bergère by Édouard Manet

"I . . ." I do not know, my lord, she almost said, but that was not what he wanted to hear. Lies and Arbor gold, she thought. "I am Alayne, Father. Who else would I be?"


A Woman Bathing in a Stream by Rembrandt

"D'you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave. I told you so."
"We'll go back to the cave. You're not going to die, Ygritte. You're not."
"Oh. You know nothing, Jon Snow."


An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump by Joseph Wright of Derby

He could almost feel the chain there, choking him. "My lord, the Citadel... they make you cut up corpses there." They make you wear a chain about your neck. If it is chains you want, come with me.


The Weeping Woman by Picasso

"I know, love." He took another step. "And I am here. All you need to do is take my hand, come on." He held it out to her. "There's no cause for all these tears."
"Tears, tears, tears," she sobbed hysterically.


La Belle Dame Sans Merci by Frank Dicksee

"but which one is the knight and which one is the lady?"

"I am the only child the gods let him keep. The freakish one, not fit to be a son or a daughter."


The Desperate Man by Gustave Courbet

"I rose too high, loved too hard, dared too much. I tried to grasp a star, overreached, and fell."

"I failed the father, but I will not fail the son."


The accolade by Edmund Leighton

But when he took the cloak that the White Bull
had draped about my shoulders&sent men
to kill me that same day,it was as though
he’d ripped a caul off my eyes.That was when I
knew I must find my true king &die in his


Basket of Fruit by Caravaggio

"And Renly, that one, he's copper, bright and shiny, pretty to look at but not worth all that much at the end of the day."

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